Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Because I love you, abject reader…

…here’s some tunage from a group that effortlessly sounds both traditional and cutting-edge all at once, Big Blood: Video via echoplanar productions. More on Big Blood via Scott Williams on the WFMU blog. The post also includes two tracks that … Continue reading

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Northern Voice wiki-tiki party action, deadlines loom

I have to say that as excited as I am for what will undoubtedly be some serious mind-blowing learning happening at Northern Voice Mark IV (The Brown Album), I am truly fired up about the party. We’ll be throwing it … Continue reading

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Unsound reasoning

When MP3 blogs emerged a few years ago, I remember thinking “this can’t possibly go on, the record companies will squash these people.” Then again, the most popular musicbloggers more or less voluntarily adopted a fairly reasonable code of conduct. … Continue reading

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Forever is a long time. Divshare going going gone?

I had always been bemused by the bold-type claim on Divshare’s site that they would host unlimited amounts of my media online for free, forever. Indications are they will come up a few trillion eons short of the goal. In … Continue reading

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Another wave coming in…

I got some great comments on my apocalyptic Waves post (one from an experienced body surfer) — and special thanks to Bob for pointing me to this zefrank video which does a lovely job of playing out the metaphor on … Continue reading

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Not all that dreary…

So there’s been a definite negative tilt to my posts lately, but it hasn’t been all bad. Last Friday I co-facilitated a workshop pushing social software on a group of students who are leading Student Directed Seminars next semester. This … Continue reading

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This whole syndication thing is sucking me down the drain…

RSS Fountain, originally uploaded by Orin Optiglot. It was more than four years ago that Stephen Downes whipped up a custom version of his edu_rss application for the Merlot conference being held here in Vancouver. It scanned the posts of … Continue reading

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What is online content worth?

That question is a huge issue at stake in the ongoing Writers Guild strike. I am well short of the information threshold required to express a meaningful opinion. But it’s clear the writers of the Daily Show didn’t lose their … Continue reading

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The Upside of Down

If my recent post riffing on Waves seemed unduly alarmist (and I worried that it was, until I picked up my newspaper), you might want to check out someone who covers this ground with considerably more authority. I listened to … Continue reading

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Moose in the headlights: we’re doing Northern Voice in 2008!

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } UBC Forestry Building, originally uploaded by D’Arcy Norman. Just came out a planning meeting for Northern … Continue reading

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