Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Croatian Diary

The past few days have been exhausting, demanding, exhilarating, frustrating, humbling and confusing and wonderful. Usually some combination thereof. I’ve really grooved on Croatia. Zagreb is a fine city, with the architecture and atmosphere of a great European centre, though … Continue reading

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Zagreb market

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Egomania Three-Fer — High and Unbound

I apologise for this, and obviously the number of people likely to be interested is going to be quite low. But just had to note my first experience with jetliner wireless. Not the fastest connection I’ve had, but not bad … Continue reading

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Ego Run Amok Department: I am The Brian

If it isn’t Googlicious irony enough that I am the most relevant Brian Lamb according Google — beating out a more eminent namesake… (I always wonder if he’s a bit annoyed at me.) Now I find out I am top … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 6 Comments

The voyage is off to a fine start

Free beer, free wireless — access courtesy of my well-travelled and well-accredited companion. And we haven’t even left Vancouver yet. Plenty of work to do, so it will not descend into a full-blown debauch. But I think this is a … Continue reading

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Nobody responded to my online video of the rat

Online video has been around forever (at least measured in web years), and I’ve been hearing about videoblogging for some time. But I’m still amazed at how quickly the new generation of online video sharing services have emerged and become … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 6 Comments

“Massive Web Innovation on $6.95 a Month” – A SuperShoutOut Richmond-Way

In addition to the workshop at the ETUG event last week, I also was on the closing panel. I presented a a short riff on some of my biggest screw-ups learning experiences trying to foster and support social software … Continue reading

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Get Your Aggregator On – Google Reader Screencast

Jason Toal has put together a really fine screencast tutorial of Google Reader and posted it on I had never really dug GR before, but he does a really fine job of demonstrating the strengths of the application, including … Continue reading

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Two must-read articles…

Big thanks to Joan Vinall-Cox for cross-posting pointers to a couple very promising pieces on the site: The current issue of Innovate has a number of interesting articles. I especially recommend Mejias’s Teaching Social Software with Social Software and … Continue reading

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Ultra-Quickie ETUG Workshop recap

Brian and D’Arcy deliver another variety special As ever, I am slower off the draw than my partner is, and D’Arcy offers up a good synopsis. As he mentions, perhaps the element that worked best about our planned workshop was … Continue reading

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