Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

My government doesn’t like open source, loves arms manufacturers…

My census profits landmine makers Man, I must be denser than I feared. I had no idea about any of this census stuff until I saw this item on Boing Boing. Actually I did know that our governmental web services … Continue reading

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“Studying which is miserable”…

…is how the title of this weblog came out when I ran a vanity test of my URL on the Really Magazine 2Xlation facility, a roundtrip translator that takes a webpage into Korean and back again. Via Darren Barefoot.

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Akismet A-OK

The spam wars had gotten ugly here at Weblogs@UBC lately — what was especiallly frustrating was that we were being feasted on by the same set of spammers, and the existing SpamLookup plugins were apparently powerless to repel their attacks. … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Symposium Blogweave – via, RSS, javascript…

Irregular readers of this cozy lovenest of ed tech subversion may recall my participation in the recent Tronti weblog symposium. As expected, my own submission was more than a bit goofy, and barely relevant, but it was fun to do. … Continue reading

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Perhaps unnecessary — UnKeynote wrapup…

I’ll keep this short, as both D’Arcy (great discussion in the comments) and Stephen have posted substantive follow-ups to the UnKeynote. As with my collaborators, my feelings on the whole thing were mixed. It was a worthy experiment, but I’m … Continue reading

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We should be preparing our session…

…instead of goofing off, which is what we are doing right now. But it’s an UnKeynote, so a certain absence of structure need not be a fatal flaw. I feel better knowing Stephen and D’Arcy got my back. I think … Continue reading

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Talk, talk, talk… how do we make the big small?

Three days, three events. Today, I’m speaking at a panel co-sponsored by UBC Career Services and the Faculty of Graduate Studies entitled “Connecting to Careers Beyond the Ivory Tower.” Perhaps I was asked to serve as some sort of cautionary … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 6 Comments

Gardner’s remarkable notes

Gardner Campbell has just written a real corker… I’m at a loss to add much of value, other than to reproduce a couple passages (leaving out the incidents that provoked them) and a suggestion that you read the thing yourself: … Continue reading

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HigherEd BlogCon

April may be the cruelest month but it promises to be chock-a-block full of rich-media chocolatey edu-blogger goodness thanks to HigherEd BlogCon, “a conversation on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, audio and video podcasts, social networks, and other digital … Continue reading

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RSS for the UBC Library Catalogue!

My long-time love for librarians (and for RSS) grows stronger over time. My heart goes all a-flutter at the introduction of RSS feeds for new items in the UBC Library. I could quibble — it would certainly be nice if … Continue reading

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