Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

I didn’t know I cared…

As a transplanted prairie boy who grew up in thrall to his beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders (the only professional sports team in the province), there was no way I was going to miss yesterday’s Canadian Football League Western Final, which pitted … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 2 Comments

Wired for sound by the miracle of Wikiphonics

Lots of buzz lately on audioblogging and podcasting… Bryan Alexander and DJ Alchemi have posted a number of groovy links that suggest great potential for personal audio and education, and recently D’Arcy has jumped right in with a fine series … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 2 Comments

Northern Voice Weblog Conference in Vancouver

It’s been my pleasure to be part of the planning group for the upcoming Northern Voice weblog conference set to take place here in Vancouver at UBC’s downtown campus on February 19, 2005. I’m very excited by the approach for … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment


From James Farmer: Last Tuesday I received a memorandum from a manager cc

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The zombie software juggernaut

Happy Halloween. As a special ghoulish treat, I took the article on social bookmarks that I wrote last week and ran it through a few rounds of BBEdit’s “find and replace” feature. The results are uneven, and more than a … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

More dribble on social bookmarking…

Over the course of a rather busy day, I dashed off an article on social bookmarking tools and Flickr for UBC’s eStrategy Newsletter. The newsletter has a technoliterate but mainstream readership, so I have to presume no familiarity whatever with … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 2 Comments

Lunar eclipse in Vancouver

Photo taken and Flickrfied by my clever colleague Novak Rogic. More photos tagged with “eclipse”.

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I have arrived.

I am now, without question, a smashing success as a human being. I am rapidly fulfilling every ambition a humble Canadian prairie boy could have ever imagined possible. Yes, as of this moment my weblog is the second returned result … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 3 Comments

Wikispam I could learn to love…

A few months back, I gave a talk at the ITI Conference at Utah State, using a wiki as my presentation tool. My final screen was a selection entitled “what to do”, a vague series of recommendations, tacked on mostly … Continue reading

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Babies, bathwater, serendipity, bad vibes and mass confusion…

Writing a weblog posting right now is the last thing I should be doing, but I’ve wanted to jump in on this topic for a while now… My time is extremely limited, so I’m just going to blast this out … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 3 Comments