Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Shhh! The bloggy is sleeping…

I recognise this space was far too quiet during the EDUCAUSE Conference (though thanks to Stephen D’s fabulous targetted Edu_RSS feed there is a one stop shop for all things blogged at this event). I have things to share, buzzy … Continue reading

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Ripping, mixing, feeding at EDUCAUSE

For me, it doesn’t get better than working with Alan Levine. So it was an honour and a gas to crank it up again for the EDUCAUSE Conference, where we delivered a pre-conference workshop officially entitled “Decentralization of Learning Resources: … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

[Textologies] – Newsreader – textual remix on the fly

News Reader is software for reading and playing the network news environment. News Reader initially offers the current “top stories” from Yahoo! News — which are always drawn from mainstream sources. Playing these stories brings forth texts generated from alternative … Continue reading

Posted in Textuality | 2 Comments

[Textologies] – Two useful resources

Via Scott Leslie at EdTechPost, comes a nifty service from RedLightGreen: RedLightGreen is a service from the Research Libraries Group (get it?) that allows users to search over 130 million library catalogue entries. The user can then automatically create citations … Continue reading

Posted in Objects | 1 Comment

Will Wait for Waits

I heard the news Friday night – Tom Waits was adding another show to his upcoming performance in Vancouver (a show at the Orpheum Theatre that had sold out before I’d even heard about it)… one of only two stops … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

[Textologies] – High-tech highbrow stalking

Oh my, this is sooooo groovy. ‘Following “The Man of the Crowd”‘ is a 24-hour walk in which two participants, linked by text messaging, drift separately through the city in an alternating pattern according to the movements of strangers. Based … Continue reading

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BC Commons and an IP middle ground…

Yesterday Scott Leslie noted that he hadn’t seen seen news of the BC Commons licence “make the rounds of the blogosphere”. Today my short article on educational IP and BC Commons is being posted via UBC’s e-Strategy newsletter. I tried … Continue reading

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Fun with metatags (?)(!)

As Joi Ito recently wrote on his blog: “Things have been getting very taggy around here ever since I started using” I can relate, though I’m still a satisfied Furl user. My own taggy conversion experience has come via … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 3 Comments

[Textologies] – Reactive Books by John Maeda

P22 is pleased to offer a selection of artist books which transcend the traditional limits and interactions of paper and the computer. These unique books were created by digital artist, John Maeda and produced by our Japanese associates, Digitalogue. John … Continue reading

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Best use of Flickr tags I’ve seen (so far, today)

dscn6382-94 Originally uploaded by Bertrand. And it looks like a yummy lemon pie recipe at that. Click through to see what I mean. This opens up some groovy possibilities. Via randomWalks.

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