Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Wow! RSS and Learning Objects dressed casual

I’ve been pe y mode when we stumble upon a tool that solves some of our problems and can too easily waste our energies championing a tool at the expense of an ideal, be it Blogging, SharePoint, WebCT, or whatever. … Continue reading

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The IMS Open Technical Forum — A post-mortem…

We hosted the IMS Technical Forum here at UBC last week — I personally attended the spin-off Eduspecs meetings and the subsequent Open Technical Forum. I’m still processing what went on, but it’s safe to say that the Canadian contingent … Continue reading

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CORES Registry: A Forum on Shared Metadata Vocabularies

The description: The SCHEMAS Registry contains several metadata element sets as well as a large number of activity reports which describe and comment on various metadata related activities and initiatives. Work on the SCHEMAS Registry is now being taken forward … Continue reading

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NEWS FLASH: Learning Object Gets REUSED!!!

If you find yourself trapped listening to some wanker go on and on about the boundless potential of learning objects, and the gains for efficiency by using them, ask the wanker to cite examples of LOs actually being reused in … Continue reading

Posted in Objects | 1 Comment

Batch importing, lovingly crafted by hand…

This should be following a set of postings I cut and pasted over from my previous incarnation of this weblog. A few motley older postings may be found at theprevious location.

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The battle is engaged…

It took a while for me to figure out why my stylesheet changes weren’t rendering… now they are — and man, are they ugly. The tide is turning. I shall prevail. UPDATE: Victory is mine! It’s still ugly, but it’s … Continue reading

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If it’s Thursday, it must be Movable Type

Well, thanks to David Wiley for providing me this space, all set out like Christmas dinner. Movable Type is the third weblog system that I’ve used for Object Learning. Let’s hope it’s the last for a while.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

If it’s Thursday, it must be Movable Type

Well, thanks to David Wiley for providing me this space, all set out like Christmas dinner. Movable Type is the third weblog system that I’ve used for Object Learning. Let’s hope it’s the last for a while.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

If it’s Thursday, it must be Movable Type

Well, thanks to David Wiley for providing me this space, all set out like Christmas dinner. Movable Type is the third weblog system that I’ve used for Object Learning. Let’s hope it’s the last for a while.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

If it’s Thursday, it must be Movable Type

Well, thanks to David Wiley for providing me this space, all set out like Christmas dinner. Movable Type is the third weblog system that I’ve used for Object Learning. Let’s hope it’s the last for a while.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment