Category Archives: Uncategorized

We should be preparing our session…

…instead of goofing off, which is what we are doing right now. But it’s an UnKeynote, so a certain absence of structure need not be a fatal flaw. I feel better knowing Stephen and D’Arcy got my back. I think … Continue reading

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HigherEd BlogCon

April may be the cruelest month but it promises to be chock-a-block full of rich-media chocolatey edu-blogger goodness thanks to HigherEd BlogCon, “a conversation on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, audio and video podcasts, social networks, and other digital … Continue reading

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Let them scream for cake

A father-son milestone — our first airplay on WFMU. Last week Kenny G. (featured in my recent WFMU marathon plug) challenged listeners to submit their covers and remixes of Todd Colby’s Cake (MP3 1.3 MB), a long-time staple of his … Continue reading

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Navigate your tags without leaving your site

Thanks to one of our UBC whiz kids, Enej Bajgoric, for developing and sharing some code that lets me render not only my tagcloud, but to navigate it for resources and related tags — all within my site, maintaining … Continue reading

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Presentation @ UBC: “The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems”

Thanks to Philip Jeffrey for alerting me to this talk by Scott Golder tomorrow: Scott Golder, a researcher at the Information Dynamics Laboratory at HP Labs in Palo Alto, CA will be visiting our Human Communications Lab on Wednesday, March … Continue reading

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Anatomy of a blogfunk…

Please forgive one of my periodic self-concerned posts. It’s not like Downes’s hiatus, but I have been quiet here. There have been a few kind souls who have sent me messages of the ‘are you OK?’ variety. Not to dwell … Continue reading

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Whatever you call it, it’s yummy

I tend to agree with D’Arcy, and exhibit a similar gag-reflex when someone drops the term “Web 2.0” on me. But as Darren points out in the ensuing comments, it can be hard to resist when you are trying to … Continue reading

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Coolest fundraising imaginable

Regular readers of this weblog are undoubtedly tired of my repeated references to WFMU, but the station remains my most vital cultural touchstone (they run one of my favorite weblogs too). The station (freeform legends since the 1960’s) is a … Continue reading

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Helen Chen @ UBC

One wonderful perk to working at UBC is the calibre of guest speakers the University is able to bring on for talks and workshops. This Friday is yet another humdinger, as Helen Chen from Stanford pays a visit: Opportunities for … Continue reading

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UBC eLearning Open House, Wednesday, March 1st

I wanted throw a shout-out to the organizers of this year’s eLearning Open House, which is an informal gathering of the university’s wired educators that is being held for the third year. If you want to get a sense of … Continue reading

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