Possible Clinical Benefits of Yoga

There are many myths among the general public regarding yoga. For example, some believe that yoga is only for those who are super flexible, or perhaps, only for women. I’m writing this to convince you that these myths are very false, and as it turns out yoga may hold some other lesser known benefits for its practitioners.

Yoga Pose By Lululemon Athletica via Wikimedia Commons

Yoga is a good way to improve on flexibility, it can help you with breathing as well as core strength. However, did you know that it may be able to help you lift you mood or help you sleep? A review of 16 recent studies found that yoga could help those who suffer from depression as well as those who complain of sleep problems. The studies suggested that yoga was able to influence chemical messengers in the brain, inflammation in the body, and other biological processes that influence us.

The way yoga influences our mood is by the effect it has on GABA. Low GABA levels in the body are associated with depression and other anxiety disorders. A study was performed on a group of people who regularly attended yoga classes and compared these people who went on walks instead. The study found that people who were doing yoga had higher GABA levels than those who walked, even though the two groups were burning similar amounts of calories. Also, it was found that these same people also reported a better overall mood and general well being compared to the walkers.

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Health Benefits of Yoga by CTV Edmonton

When hormones in the body are out of sync, many processes we take for granted can get thrown out of whack. For example, Cortisol (AKA “the stress hormone”) can have many negative effects on our body. It has been known to increase blood pressure, decrease immune function, impair cognitive function, increase abdominal fat, as well as a laundry list of other symptoms. Many of these problems can be treated by prescription pharmaceuticals. However, there is also one other widely recommended treatment for all of these problems……you guessed it, yoga!

For those of you out there looking for a new form of exercise that isn’t as high impact as running, or simply just looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, yoga could be the thing for you. It is not just the slow exercise solely for holistic women that everyone seems to think it is. It has become more popular in recent years because of its health benefits becoming known by the general public. I have recently taken to doing yoga a few times a week, and i can vouch for its efficacy. It’s a great way to get into a more healthy lifestyle for all of you out there who are falling behind on those new years resolutions.

– Alex Gibson

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