Author Archives: younghee

Will bananas last forever?

Banana via Flickr by Gori

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. It is cheap, tasty, and nutritious.

They are very rich in nutrition. At only 110 calories per 4-ounce offering, high concentration of vitamin B6, which plays a significant role in fighting infection, is contained. Also, bananas are rich in potassium and fiber. It is known that bananas are the staple diet for half billion people in Asia and Africa.  

While the fruit itself is loved as an important dietary staple, the other parts of plants are used as  food, clothing, paper, and tableware.

A box made with banana paper via a company DwellSmart by Terracycle

A box made with banana paper via a company DwellSmart by Terracycle

However, we will be saying good bye to beloved bananas. It is estimated that they will be extinct in about 10 years.

What are threatening bananas?

We have been consuming almost only one type of banana: Cavendish banana, which makes up 99% of consumed bananas.

They have a critical problem. Cavendish are seedless and cannot reproduce sexually, so all plants of a single variety are grown from cuttings. Basically, they are clones of one another and equally vulnerable to diseases. Because Cavendish are genetically identical,  if one member of population is attacked by bacteria, then the whole population will be killed soon.

There are three types of diseases that are threatening bananas:

  1. Panama disease, caused by a soil fungus, which wiped out the Gros Michel variety in the 1950s
  2. Black sigatoka, another fungal disease which has reached global epidemic proportions 
  3. Pests invading plantations and farms in central America, Africa and Asia alike.

Among the three types of disease, the most threatening type of Black sigatoka. It first appeared 20 years ago in Malaysia.  At first time, it spread slowly, but not it is moving at a rapid speed.

You might be wondering why farmers don’t use pesticide to kill bacteria. It is reported that as soon as a new fungicide is used to kill bacteria, surprisingly,  bacteria develop resistance.  Fungicide is very ineffective against the bacteria, especially against the black sigatoka.

Another type of diseases which endangers bananas is black leaf streak disease, which is caused by fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis.

M. fijjensis by Cecilia M. Rodriguez-Garcia via Flikr

This fungus kills banana plants by affecting  leaf photosynthesis, and causes premature ripening.

banana leaf affected by bacteria via Flikr, by  Cecilia M. Rodriguez-Garcia


“It starts with small flecks and spreads to the whole banana leaves – the disease can totally destroy the whole banana plant,”Stephanie Robert, a molecular virologist said.

Then what do we have to do?

At this moment, only genetic modification (GM) is solution.  With the traditional techniques of selective breeding, ones with ability to resist against disease will be developed and they will be cloned.


Sleepwalking: Are you sleeping or not?

Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder belonging to the parasomnia family, which can be defined as any abnormal activities or events happening at any point of sleeping.

Sleepwalking via Binside TV

According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is estimated that 1-15% of population has this disorder.  Sleepwalking is more common in children and it often disappears by adolescence as amount of deep sleep decreases. A study shows that 16.7% of children between age of 11 to 12 years old experience sleepwalking.

As ages of people who have sleepwalking vary, symptoms are various ranging from simply sitting up and walking around to committing homicide.

sleepwalker via hughkretschme

There are interesting stories of sleepwalking episodes. 

For example, a 55 years old chef Robert Wood cooks while he is asleep. For four to five times a week, he goes to the kitchen while asleep, and makes omelettes, stir fries and chips. 

However, sleepwalking is not always funny. Several extreme cases of sleepwalking  involving crimes have been reported.

ABC news reported a guy who was arrested for violently attacking his wife while he was asleep.

Except sleepwalk is more common in childhood, it is not relevant of sex, race, or  specific environment. Then what causes sleepwalking?

Direct causes of children are unknown. Anxiety or lack of sleep likely to bring sleep disorder. According to The New York Times, alcohols, sedatives, medical conditions, side effects of medication or mental disorders can cause adults’ sleepwalking.

Furthermore, a research reported that sleepwalk can be associated with genetic problem or hormonal problems, too.

Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for sleepwalking unless it is directly caused by medication. For adults, hypnosis may be involved and actually a study shows some cases successfully treated sleepwalking with hypnosis alone.


There are numerous ways to prevent sleepwalking. General ways of reducing probability of having sleepwalking are: getting adequate sleep, mediation or relaxation exercises, avoiding stimuli prior to bedtime, and etc.

Also, if a person has sleep disorder, a family member of him/herself should prevent possible accident by keeping a safe sleeping environment and locking the doors and windows.

Do you want happy and healthy life? Eat veggies!

For a long time, we all have been heard how vegetables are good for health. It is highly recommend to have fruits and vegetables regularly.YouTube Preview Image

But how specifically do they make us healthier?

A new study  reveals that vegetables improve not only physical health but also psychological health by increasing optimistic level, and as we know, psychological well being is closely associated with physical well being.

Veggies by Danny. O via Flicker Creative Commons

According to a recent research done by Dr. Boehem at Harvard School of Public Health, people having three or more servings of  fruits and vegetables a day showed significantly higher level of carotenoid in blood than people having less than two servings of fruits and vegetables. Carotenoid , which is rich in vegetables, is a type of antioxidant which is well known for preventing some forms of heart disease and cancer. 

Interestingly, this higher level of carotenoid is also associated with  more optimistic thinking. Optimism ultimately leads to longer and healthier lives as it lowers cancer heart disease, and other chronic disease rates. 

The fact that more optimistic people showed tendency of engaing in healthier behavior such as eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding cigarette smoking, Dr. Boehem’s study only partially explains the relationship between optimism and level of carotenoid.

However, Dr. Boehem indicated that even though optimism level and carotenoid level cannot be conclusively determined, this finding is a promising association.


A specific example of showing how veggie may help people to be more optimistic is effect of tomatoes. Researchers analyzed that tomato rich diet lowers the chances of suffering depression.

Tomatoes by Sean Duan via Flicker Creative Commons

Researchers analyzed that tomato rich diet lowers the chances of suffering depression. This research showed high level of antioxidant chemicals in tomatoes reduces oxidative stress and damage to healthy brain cells, and consequently promotes both psychological and physiological health. According to research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders  , people eating tomatoes two to six times a week had 46% lower chance of suffering depression than people who eating less than once a week.

Both mental and physical health are critical for our lives.                                               A long stressful and depressed life or happy but short life is not what we want to live.

Healthy and optimistic life can be easily achieved. Eat veggies!!