Category Archives: Biological Sciences

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

Whenever Michael Buffers announces “Let’s get ready to rumble!” I get a tingly feeling at the back of my neck because I know what’s about to go down, two men who have trained for months are about to go to battle in a ring with only some gloves on. Being a boxing fan nothing is more entertaining than seeing a boxer knocking out (KO) his opponent.

Ricardo Dominguez (left) and Rafael Ortiz in the midst of a battle. (ShawnC via Wikimedia)

But I never thought of the implications the boxers face, until I saw the debilitating state of one of the greatest boxers ever to live, Muhammad Ali. At the age of 42, in 1984 Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, doctors and scientists believe that the main culprit for the disease was possibly the repeated blows to the head he received during his reign in the ring.

Finding studies on this matter was not too difficult, it seems in the recent years it has been a field of intensive study.

“A knock-out in neuro-psychiatric terms corresponds to a cerebral concussion.”

In 2010, a study out of the Technical University of Munich conducted by Hans Forstl evaluated the health of boxers for the past 10 years. They discovered that getting knocked out resulted in persistent symptoms such as headaches, impaired hearing, nausea, unstable gait, and forgetfulness. A long career in boxing may result in boxer’s dementia (dementia pugilistica), which is strikingly similar to Alzheimer’s disease.

So what exactly happens to cause a knock-out?

A report by Popular Mechanics written by Marita Vera goes into technical aspect of the knock-out.

The body contains dissolved sodium, potassium and calcium, collectively known as electrolytes, which are responsible for conducting impulses along neurons. Every time a fighter receives a blow to a nerve, potassium leaves the cell and calcium rushes in, destabilizing the electrolyte balance, while the brain does all it can to keep these levels in balance. With each successive blow, this balance becomes harder and harder to maintain, and more and more energy must be spent in the process. When the body reaches the point where the damage outweighs the body’s ability to repair itself, the brain shuts down, to conserve enough energy to fix the injured neurons at a later point.”

Dr. Charles Bernick and his colleges from the Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health have compiled over a 100 boxers and mixed martial artists (MMA) fighters to conduct studies on their brain. Through M.R.I scans, they found a reduction in the size in the hippocampus and thalamus of the brains of fighter with more than six years in the ring. Dr. Bernick notes that “these parts of the brain deals with the function of memory and alertness.”

This video shows the work of Dr. Charles Bernick:

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Along with Dr. Bernick’s work, Sanna Neselius and her team out of Gothenburg, Sweden are working on bio-markers in the blood that indicates the severity of damage to ones brain.

“Preferably, we would like to find a simple blood test that provides the same information as our more advanced brain fluid examinations. The capability does not presently exist, but can perhaps become an option in the future with further and more extensive studies.”

Discovering what these boxers have put on the line, day in and day out has gained a great sense of respect from my part, hopefully through the power of science there will be better ways to prevent and protect these courageous men and women doing their jobs, while not taking anything away from the true essence of boxing.

-Alvinesh Singh

Insight on Eyesight: Vision Correction While You Sleep

“You wore glasses before?”
“Are you wearing contact lenses right now?”
“Nope, I only wear them when I sleep.”
“What?! You can do that?”

That was the typical response I got when people found that I wore contact lenses to sleep. At a very young age, I developed a common eye condition known as nearsightedness or Myopia; I could only see close objects clearly and objects far away appeared blurry. As my eyesight got worse at an abnormally fast rate, my optometrist (a doctor specializing in eye care) recommended me to wear “night lenses” to correct my vision, a practice known as Orthokeratology (Ortho-k).

Some Ortho-K lenses that I own
Copyright: Grace Lam 

How do you develop Myopia?

Myopia is typically an inherited condition and often develops in children ages 8-12.  This condition progresses very quickly at young ages due to the rapid growth of tissues in the eye while the eye is constantly elongating (growing in the forward-backward direction). Also, engaging in “close-up activities” such as reading and using the computer for extended periods of time can speed up the development of nearsightedness.

In order to see objects clearly, the image of the object must be focused on the retina. This is done by the lens in your eye (see image below), as it thickens when looking at close objects and flattens when looking at objects far away. According to researchers at the Ohio State University College of Optometry, the lens in patients with Myopia do not thin or flatten out like those of normal individuals. This causes the image to be focused in front of the retina rather than directly on it, thus resulting in a blurred image of objects that are far away.

The main areas of the eye affected in Myopia
by the National Eye Institute via Wikimedia Commons

How does Orthokeratology help?

The purpose of Ortho-k is to provide vision correction without the complications of surgeries and since changes cannot be made to the lens without opening up the eye, the shape of the cornea is altered instead (see image above). This is accomplished by wearing specially fitted contact lenses when sleeping.  As the cornea is also an important structure that helps focus images perceived by the eye, altering its shape effectively can compensate for the shortcomings of the lens and ultimately refocus the image back on the retina. As a result, myopic patients can once again see objects at close and far distances clearly. Check out the video below for more on Myopia and Orthokeratology.

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Youtube video by EyeContactOptometry

Research has shown that the use of Ortho-k lenses slow the progression of myopia, which is important to many myopic patients. I prefer night lenses because I can’t feel them when I sleep and when I take them off in the morning, I have 20/20 vision just like everyone else. Orthokeratology may not be the right treatment for everyone, but it can be advantageous for those who find glasses and day lenses inconvenient.

– Grace Lam


Decision Making Under Time Pressure

Daily tasks and actions require more decisions than most of us may realize, that is until we’re given limited time to make them. Decision making under the pressure of time is a daunting prospect to many, one that is present in numerous aspects of our daily lives: writing an exam, deciding which clothes to wear in the morning, or even in a friendly game of soccer. Naturally, we would assume that if we had less time to perform a task or make decisions, the outcome would be less favourable, right? Well, not necessarily.

In agreement with the general conception of making time-sensitive decisions, there are many studies that do indeed find that subjects required to make choices or decisions within a deadline become more anxious and in some cases, even more energetic. These characteristics reflect an increased awareness of the need to work harder, since the amount of time available to make the decisions is less. Thus, the presence of a deadline will always impose extra demand on the decision maker. As well, time pressure can also result in an increased speed of information processing.

Decision making (Found at:

Time pressure also has an interesting effect on the strategy of our decision making. A study that employed a simple computer game found that under time pressure, the subjects were more likely to maintain a strategy of decision making (i.e. a certain path in the game) that they were previously comfortable with, even if they knew the strategy was obsolete. An explanation given for this was that in an unfamiliar environment that requires choice, an obsolete strategy will still provide feedback to the subject, which always presents more information than is relevant to the situation and can be used in anticipating new events in a different context. The study also found that deviation from a strategy was associated with more intense thinking.

Time is crucial in decision making. (Found at:–q_x5fu4/jpeg/0/Time-is-crucial-in-decision-making..jpeg)

As we can see, the effects of time pressure on decision making is very real. However, is it possible to trick our brain into perceiving time differently?

Apparently it is.

A study has found that indeed, time pressure “is all in our heads”. Subjects who were given a task and told that there was sufficient time for completion outperformed those who were advised that the time was insufficient to complete the same task. It was also found that subjects given ample time for the task did not perform those who were given less time; in this case, no advising on time was provided so the subjects therefore had similar perceptions of time pressure. The results of the study also support the variable state activation theory (VSAT), which states that ability is impacted by an individual’s perception of time being sufficient or inefficient to complete a task.

Interestingly, the effect of time pressure on our abilities to make decisions and complete tasks is ultimately psychological. This suggests that with practice, perhaps we will be able to control our perception of time and therefore negate the effects of time pressure on our abilities to make decisions and complete tasks.

– Curtis M



ACHOO syndrome: not your usual sneeze

When we step outside into bright light with other people, we can occasionally hear someone sneezing. Is this merely a coincidence? Or is there a possible explanation for this? It turns out that this desire to sneeze after looking at an abrupt bright light occurs in about a third of the world’s population.

Photo of a man sneezing. Author: James Gathany via Wikimedia Commons

This surreal way of sneezing is called photic sneeze reflex, or, conveniently, ACHOO (Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst) syndrome. Despite being highly prevalent around the world, we know very little regarding this phenomenon. In fact, a study has found that victims of this reflex think this occurs in everyone, whereas “normal” people become bewildered when finding about its existence. This level of unawareness might be due to the little threat that this condition poses to those who have it.

YouTube Preview Image Youtube user: Thomas Denton

Due to the common occurrence of this condition within a family, it is generally regarded as an autosomal dominant trait, which simply means that it is likely for an affected parent to have an affected child. This is surprising, since the sneeze that we are all familiar with is acquired from environmental factors like viruses, regardless of how we are genetically shaped.

So how is it then that the sun or any other light sources trigger sneezing? Many theories were considered, with the first one dating back to Aristotle’s time. He speculated that the sun’s heat had a direct effect on the nose, causing it to become irritated and therefore induce sneezing. Clearly, this hypothesis was refuted later on, because the sneeze disappears if you close both eyes.

The most supported reasoning behind this involves the cranial nerves, particularly the optic and the trigeminal nerves. It is our trigeminal nerve that is primarily responsible for sending information that leads to sneezing to the brain. However, the complexity and the compactness of our heads allow this nerve occasionally picks up signals from the optic nerve. Thus, when some of us look at a bright light that stimulates the optic nerve, it is erroneously translated by the brain as the body’s need to sneeze.

Here is a video that gives a very simplified explanation:

YouTube Preview Image Youtube user: 2ManyVid3os


As I mentioned before, this condition is generally harmless to those who have it. However, it can still pose serious risks in certain situations. For example, it is common for drivers to get a sudden outburst of sunlight shone onto their eyes. Two-thirds of the population would squint their eyes and pull down the sun visors. The remaining third on the other hand, would experience an uncontrollable movement caused by the photic sneeze reflex. Considering that they are driving, you can imagine how dangerous that can be.

Although you may find it hard to believe, there is a perk to inheriting this condition. I am sure that all of us had a moment where we had a desire to sneeze, but was not able to produce it. However, this is not a problem for around 2.3 billion people, including myself, since we can deliberately produce a sneeze. Besides, who wouldn’t want to feel elevated, given that a sneeze is 1/8 of an orgasm?

-Sanggi(Daniel) Hong

Are You Afraid of The Dark?

Whether it’s insects, public speaking, physical harm, or heights, most people in this world are generally afraid of at least one thing. These fears can sometimes be minor, making us feel a little bit frightened while watching a scary movie, or walking home late at night, or they can be quite large, stopping us from doing certain things and forcing us to live extra cautiously.

However, there are a select few people who don’t feel fear the same way that normal people do. Individuals inflicted with Urbach-Weithe disease, a rare genetic disorder, experience a number of symptoms, most notably the hardening of certain brain tissues. Depending on what parts of the brain are affected by the disease, the symptoms can widely range, including epilepsy, mental retardation, and the inability to cry.

One specific case has procured the attention of a number of scientists and has played a role in directing their research. This case has been incredibly important in brain research, and appears to have addressed the root of human fear. A woman from Kentucky, U.S.A, who is known only as SM, who suffers from Urbach-Weithe is incapable of feeling fear. Her inability to feel fear is due to the effect of the disease on her amygdala, an almond shaped part of the brain, long believed to be the only reason for fear in humans.


Highlighted red is the Amygdala.

J Hizzle via Flickr Creative Commons

Even though it was believed for years that damage to the amgydala would render someone “fearless”, a new study coming out of the University of Iowa suggests that these past studies may have been too narrow, and that fear may in fact be controlled by other parts of the brain along with the amygdala. The study focused on comparing the fear responses of three people with amygdalas affected by Urbach-Weithe disease to the fear responses of twelve people with no history of amygdala disease or damage. All participants were exposed to a gas mixture, which consisted of 35% carbon dioxide, which is known to create a panicked response in experiments.

The results astounded researchers, and generally rocked the foundations of scientists view the fear response in the brain. All three of the participants with Urbach-Weithe disease had immediate and panicked responses; their heart rates all rose, they all became incredibly distressed and they tried to rip off their gas masks. Shockingly, only three of the healthy twelve individuals experienced such panic attacks.

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Ellen shows us how scaring people is done.

zsuzsu19 via Youtube

This study is incredibly exciting, because it shows that a fear response may not be controlled singularly by the amygdala, but instead may be controlled by many other parts of the brain. It also shows that we might be able to give a good scare to those deemed “fearless”.


A scary mask that some of you may recognize.

Bobbeyjazz via Flickr Creative Commons


Brian Kahnamelli


Is alcohol beneficial?


Alcohol Beverages (Source:

In terms of chemistry, an alcohol is an organic compound that contains the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) attached to a hydrocarbon group. The hydrocarbon group has a central carbon single-bonded to three other hydrogen atoms. Thus, the general formula for alcohols is CnH2n+1OH. However, in everyday use, the word “alcohol” refers particularly to ethanol, of which the chemical formula is C2H5OH, and it is the type of alcohol used in alcoholic beverages. For thousands years, humans have been producing and consuming ethanol as alcoholic beverages. Because of its intoxicating effects, ethanol has been an intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages since ancient times. This feature makes the alcohol be consumed widespread, for it relieves people’s stress. There has been a controversy whether the alcohol is beneficial to our health or not because it can cause a fatal illness to humans at a sub lethal dose.

However, to accurately examine the effects of alcohol to our health, we need to look at how cell biology mechanism of it works. The primary metabolite of ethanol is acetaldehyde and secondary metabolite is acetic acid, which largely cause the toxicity of ethanol. Toxicities of acetaldehyde and acetic acid are similar to those of aldehydes and carboxylic acids, which are the products from the breakdown of primary alcohols. Within the human body, alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then acetaldehyde dehydrogenase converts it into the acetyl in acetyl CoA, which is the final product of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Ethanol may be considered as a nutrient since acetyl can be used to produce energy for these metabolisms. Nevertheless, acetaldehyde contains higher level of toxicity than ethanol, and it has been revealed that acetaldehyde is closely related to most of the clinical effects of alcohol.

Metabolism of Alcohol (Source:

From the mechanism above, when used in therapeutic dose, alcohol does not cause serious and harmful problems to humans. Alcohol in light dose decreases the risk of heart disease. The effect of alcohol to people’s health is clearly exhibited by the study done by Liu, PM. In this study, the relationship between alcohol consumption and risk of stroke and coronary heart disease was examined among Eastern Asian men. It was found that light alcohol consumption (≤ 20 g/d) reduces the risk of stroke, while heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of stroke; and moderate alcohol consumption (21–60 g/d) helps decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality.

In conclusion, small to moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial to our health. Based on many studies and experiments, it was shown that people who consume alcohol moderately have fewer heart attacks than those who do not drink at all, and also that moderate drinking lowers risk of diabetes in both men and women. The consumption of alcohol in large dose causes intoxication though. Depending on the dose and the regularity of its consumption, alcohol can be beneficial or harmful to our health.

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This shows how the alcohol has beneficial effects to people’s health by Dr. Matt DeVane. (This video is from the youtube username HeartSmartMD.)

-Jong Jin Park


Schizophrenia and the Biological Factors That Contribute To It


Do you know that voice you hear in your head? The one you hear when you read? Or the one that has conversations of its own? We all have it. But now imagine that this voice isn’t your voice anymore. This voice has a life of its own. It tells you things you never thought of; it makes you believe that the people and the places you know are figments of your imagination; it makes you go crazy. This is the harsh reality of many schizophrenics.

A lot of us may have heard about schizophrenia, and a lot of us may know of it as simply meaning you’re crazy. The fancy definition of it is a “profound disruption of basic psychological processes.” Your reality is distorted; your thoughts and your behavior are disturbed. Symptoms of this include hallucination, disorganized speech, and catatonic behavior to name a few.

So how do you get it? Will a schizophrenic’s sneeze render you “crazy” as well? Well, no. As many of you may have guessed already, schizophrenia’s origins lie in biological factors, which include genetic factors, biochemical factors, and neuroanatomy.

Evidence for this conclusion lies in studies that show that the closer you are, biologically of course, in relationship to a person diagnosed with schizophrenia, the more likely you are to also develop the disorder. Furthermore, and this is perhaps some of the strongest proof, studies show that concordance rates are higher for identical twins in comparison to fraternal twins. This clearly shows us that genetics play a crucial role in the development of the disorder.

Neuroanatomy, in addition to genetics, is another biological factor that aids in the development of schizophrenia. With the help of neuroimaging techniques, researchers began to look for anatomical differences in people with the disorder. Early observations led them to discover the enlargements of ventricles – hollow areas lying deep within the core of the brain. The abnormal enlargement in some patients suggested a loss of brain tissue mass that could have occurred during prenatal development. However, this evidence is complicated and unreliable for many reasons. First, enlarged ventricles are only found in a few patients. Second, some individuals without the disorder are also found to have enlarged ventricles. Lastly, the enlargement of the ventricles can be caused by some types of antipsychotic drugs, prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia. Neuroimaging studies provide evidence of a variety of brain abnormalities in schizophrenia. A variety of specific brain changes found in other studies suggest a clear relationship between biological changes in the brain and the progression of schizophrenia.



The neuroanatomy of schizophrenics differs from those that do not.
Photo Researchers, Inc.

In addition to biological factors, the third factor that contributes to the development of schizophrenia is the presence of excessive dopamine – this is known to be the  the dopamine hypothesis. The hypothesis explains why amphetamines, which increase dopamine levels, often aggravate the symptoms (Iverson, 2006). However, there is evidence that refutes this hypothesis, as many individuals do no respond well to dopamine blocking drugs. All in all, the accurate involvement of neurotransmitters in schizophrenia is yet to be determined.

This link discusses the dopamine hypothesis in detail while interviewing a patient

YouTube Preview Image by itswhatson

Research on schizophrenia and its cure continue today, in the 21st century. While we have made great progress, a lot remains to be discovered about this order that affects almost 51 million people in our world at one time. 

Harleen Kalra

Did you eat breakfast today?

For many students, midterms and the dreaded all-nighters are creeping just around the corner like a bad zombie movie. This can definitely make it quite difficult for some to maintain a regular eating pattern. Just the other day, I over slept my clock’s set alarm and had to skip breakfast just to sneak into a midterm I had that day. Although this is not the greatest of habits, this is certainly not an isolated case. Many people find it necessary to forgo their normally scheduled meals in order to meet important deadlines in school and work alike.

Mmmm, a typical american breakfast! Author: Jessica from Hove, American breakfast , via Wikimedia Commons

Is this even remotely healthy for us? Our grumbling stomachs tell us, “NO WAY!”

However, recent research done on intermittent fasting (IF) paints us a new and appealing picture of the issue. Intermittent fasting is an eating strategy that uses scheduled fasts before and after a daily feasting period where an entire day’s caloric requirements are typically consumed. These bouts of eating usually span from one to eight hours depending on an individual’s preferences.

An overview of intermittent fasting and its many variations (0:37-1:42). (attributed to Youtube user: Ian McCarthy)

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In one study that explored the effect of meal frequency on the thermic effect of food (TEF), it was found that women consuming one large meal a day experienced higher TEF values than women who consumed the same amount of calories split into six meals. The TEF is the energy needed to store dietary nutrients and convert recently ingested food into useful metabolites. The researchers observed faster gastric emptying and nutrient absorption from subjects eating all their daily required calories in one sitting. This results in higher TEFs due to the fact that there are more nutrients in the blood available to be oxidized or stored. This implies that one can burn more energy in a day by simply condensing their calories into less meals per day.

Portion of a caloric dense meal. Author: Sgt. Drew Hendricks, via Wikimedia Commons

In another study of reduced meal frequency, it was noted that most signs of health remained the same regardless of the number of meals consumed by men and women. The measured heart rates, body temperatures and body weights did not significantly change when switching between eating strategies. While most factors remained constant, the fat mass between treatment groups did not. Participants of the study subjected to one meal per day experienced significant reductions in fat mass.

Comparison of varying visceral fat accumulation in men. Source: Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Although IF provides benefits for improving body composition, it also has relevance in preventative measures against diseases. When exploring the relationship between meal frequency and colorectal cancer, researchers discovered that those who ate four or more times a day had a two-fold elevated risk of incidence. The main reason behind this is the secretion of bile acids. Upon eating a meal, the gallbladder contracts and releases primary bile acids into the small intestine. Despite its involvement in the digestion of dietary fats, it also has a role in colorectal carcinogenesis. The bile secreted into the lumen acts as a promoter for colon tumors. It follows that by eating less frequently throughout the day, one can reduce their risk of colorectal cancer.

Spatial orientation of the colon. Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Intermittent fasting may even aid in promoting brain health and longevity. Studies on rodents subjected to a reduced meal frequency showed an increased production of ketone bodies. These chemicals have use as an energy source and can even provide some other benefits like neuroprotection and resistance to epileptic seizures. The experimenters noted a significant increase in the survival of neurons after injecting mice undergoing IF with seizure-inducing excitotoxins into their hippocampi.

While I don’t recommend intentionally skipping meals to obtain the  benefits mentioned above, I do hope that the merits of fasting are slightly more apparent.  Compensating for previously missed breakfasts, lunches or dinners with slightly less nutritional foods for the sake of sticking to a set schedule may do more harm than skipping the meal altogether!

-Earvin Remandaban

Nighty night~

Have you ever wondered what’s going while you’re sleeping? Well the truth is there is a lot going on during the period of time you are asleep and it is divided into five stages. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) we can determine the stage of sleep we are in.

A sleeping baby by oksidor via Flickr Creative Commons

Early stages of sleep prior to stage one:

Before phase one, our mind is relatively alert and therefore we experience hypnagogic hallucinations, such as experiencing the sensation of falling, and myoclonic jerks, an involuntary twitching of the muscles. Furthermore, our brain starts to produce small and fast waves known as beta waves. As the mind slowly beings to relax, slower waves called alpha waves are produced.

Stage one:

During this period, we are in the relatively light stage of sleep, and is often considered as the transition between being awake and falling asleep.  It lasts for a brief amount of time, and usually when people wake up during this stage, they feel like they haven’t slept at all. The waves that are produced during this time is called theta waves, which are slow, high amplitude waves.

Stage two:

The body temperature starts to drop and heart rate slows down. At the same time the brain produces short periods of quick rhythmic waves known as sleep spindles

Stage three:

This is the period between light sleep and deep sleep. Slow, deep waves called delta waves are produced.

Stage four:

Delta waves continue to be produced, therefore this period is also known as delta sleep. This stage typically lasts for about half an hour and we fall into a deep sleep. Generally bed-wetting and sleepwalking occurs during this stage.

Stage five:

This phase is commonly known as rap eye moment (REM) and we enter this stage approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep.  Typically we enter REM sleep four to five times during the night, and each time the duration of REM sleep increases. During this period, the muscles become relaxed to a point where the body is paralyzed while respiration rate and brain activity increases. Due to the increase in brain activity, this is the time when most of our dreams occur. 

Here is an example of what an EEG looks like:

EEG when awake and during the different stages of sleep via

Although the above EEG depicts the stages of sleep from stage one to five in order, the stages do not actually occur in this sequence. After falling asleep, we begin in stage one, and progress into stages two, three and four. After stage four, stages three then two is repeated prior to entering REM sleep. After REM sleep, we return to stage two. Throughout the night we cycle through the above sequence four to five times.

Below is a video about the five stages of sleep:

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From YouTube user: Shannon Leigh

Now that you know more about the different stages of sleep, the next time you watch The Big Bang Theory and Sheldon mentions REM sleep, you’ll know what he’s talking about!

– Alice Lin