Category Archives: Science Communication

A New Planetary Nebula Disovered by Hubble Space Telscope

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    Have you wondered what was the solar system was like in the very beginning. How does one get from a mixed ball of stardust to a giant planet with concentric structure such as inner and outer core and layered atmosphere?

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     Surprising, it turns out that a giant planet indeed has it own unique history. According to the nebular hypothesis, a planet originally is distilled from a rotating cloud of dust particles  and gases known as the solar nebula. These elements forming the gases and particles originally are byproducts of nuclear reactions within some other stars. Then they were scattered everywhere after cataclysmic explosions that  mark the death of stars. These essential elements in the cloud were hydrogen, helium, oxygen, silicon and carbon.

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     Evenutally the dust cloud began to rotate and contract. It did not shrink into a round ball as some early scientists expectm but into a disk. Gravity attracted the particles to one another, and clumps of these space matter began to form. Smaller particles merged to build clumps up to several meters in diameter, and these larger bodies in turn swept up finer particles within their orbital paths. Although much are known about these planetary nebula, the researches are still ongoing.


      On  October 11th, 2012, scientists discovered a planetary nebula in  the making. Among these numerous stars, planetary nebulae are probably one of the most fascinating objects to behold in the night sky. The names arises becuase most of these objects resembled a planet when they were first discovered through early telescopes. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reported that the observed planetary nebula is Hen 3-1475. It glows brightly because of the radiation that arise from a hot compact core that reains after the outer envelope is ejected. These radiation is so powerful that they make the gossamer shells shine.

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         Several days after the initial discovery, scientists at Hubble Space Observatory reported that Hen 3-1475 is positioned i the constellation of Sagittarius roughly 18,000 light-years away from us. The central star is more than 12,000 times as bright as our sun. The most striking part about the nebula is its two S-shaped jets that emerge from the pole regions of the central star. Experts report that these jets are long outflows of gas particles moving at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

Hen 3-1475

Hen 3-1475. (Credit: ESA/NASA)

        The formation of these bipolar jets has left many space scientists searching for explanations for a long time. Many experts are still currently investigating the possiblities behind these observations. Although no clear evidences are found, some experts suggested that the unique shape of the planetary nebula is due to a central source that ejects streams of gas in opposite directions and these processes only occur once every couples of thousand years.  Modern researches is still ongoing and more updates will be provided as soon as any breaking news emerge.

More stories can be found at:

– Jing Xiang Yang

Praising the power of pee

A full bladder is full of surprises. It really is. You might think I’m referring to a child’s unexpected “accident” or the overwhelming number of bathroom breaks one would make after a night at the bar, but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about. What most people don’t realize is that there is actually more to urine than what meets the eye as that yellow, waste-filled liquid we excrete every, single day. While most of us think of it as merely something to get rid of, its involvement in a variety of uses proves that it is much more valuable than we think.

Hidden value lies within this urine sample.
By painassist via Flickr Creative Commons

Because urine is sterile, it is perfectly fine to drink. This method, more so known as urine therapy, is a popular Asian practice for good health as drinking the first stream of the day will not only boost your immunity, but will also cure ailments such as colds, the flu, and even hangovers due to the antibacterial characteristics of urea. This nitrogenous waste is a common component of urine that happens to be a good antiviral and antifungal agent.

Chemical structure of urea
By NEUROtiker via Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, drinking urine is a good alternative when water is scarce since it satisfies the body’s need for fluid. In fact, following an earthquake in Egypt, a man was found in excellent condition after surviving off his own urine while trapped within the debris for three days. In addition, Native American tribes used fresh urine as an antiseptic, and mixed urine with mud to make a reliever for insect bites.

Have you ever wanted a tattoo under your parents’ objections? Well in reference to an old cultural practice, it turns out that all you have to do is mix some coal dust with some urine and voila! You have yourself some homemade tattoo ink. Similarly, stale urine was a key component of munitions. Urine was set aside for over a year to undergo fermentation, and the sediment formed was washed and mixed with ash. Once dry, the addition of sulfur and charcoal would produce your very own gun powder.

Still not convinced by the power of pee? Here is a short news clip by YouTube user CNCWorldChannel promoting the use of urine as an alternative for fossil fuels, therefore reducing the cost of energy.

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It turns out that approximately 300 mL of urine could supply a lamp with two hours worth of light energy! The power of urine is bound to awe you now, literally.

In conclusion, I obviously don’t urge you all to start drinking your urine or to tattoo yourselves with some homemade ink, but I hope you’ll realize that something like urine which is often perceived as waste, really isn’t waste at all. So upon the next time you urinate, perhaps it might be wise to think twice before you flush it down!

– Clarissa Ngui

Is alcohol beneficial?


Alcohol Beverages (Source:

In terms of chemistry, an alcohol is an organic compound that contains the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) attached to a hydrocarbon group. The hydrocarbon group has a central carbon single-bonded to three other hydrogen atoms. Thus, the general formula for alcohols is CnH2n+1OH. However, in everyday use, the word “alcohol” refers particularly to ethanol, of which the chemical formula is C2H5OH, and it is the type of alcohol used in alcoholic beverages. For thousands years, humans have been producing and consuming ethanol as alcoholic beverages. Because of its intoxicating effects, ethanol has been an intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages since ancient times. This feature makes the alcohol be consumed widespread, for it relieves people’s stress. There has been a controversy whether the alcohol is beneficial to our health or not because it can cause a fatal illness to humans at a sub lethal dose.

However, to accurately examine the effects of alcohol to our health, we need to look at how cell biology mechanism of it works. The primary metabolite of ethanol is acetaldehyde and secondary metabolite is acetic acid, which largely cause the toxicity of ethanol. Toxicities of acetaldehyde and acetic acid are similar to those of aldehydes and carboxylic acids, which are the products from the breakdown of primary alcohols. Within the human body, alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then acetaldehyde dehydrogenase converts it into the acetyl in acetyl CoA, which is the final product of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Ethanol may be considered as a nutrient since acetyl can be used to produce energy for these metabolisms. Nevertheless, acetaldehyde contains higher level of toxicity than ethanol, and it has been revealed that acetaldehyde is closely related to most of the clinical effects of alcohol.

Metabolism of Alcohol (Source:

From the mechanism above, when used in therapeutic dose, alcohol does not cause serious and harmful problems to humans. Alcohol in light dose decreases the risk of heart disease. The effect of alcohol to people’s health is clearly exhibited by the study done by Liu, PM. In this study, the relationship between alcohol consumption and risk of stroke and coronary heart disease was examined among Eastern Asian men. It was found that light alcohol consumption (≤ 20 g/d) reduces the risk of stroke, while heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of stroke; and moderate alcohol consumption (21–60 g/d) helps decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality.

In conclusion, small to moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial to our health. Based on many studies and experiments, it was shown that people who consume alcohol moderately have fewer heart attacks than those who do not drink at all, and also that moderate drinking lowers risk of diabetes in both men and women. The consumption of alcohol in large dose causes intoxication though. Depending on the dose and the regularity of its consumption, alcohol can be beneficial or harmful to our health.

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This shows how the alcohol has beneficial effects to people’s health by Dr. Matt DeVane. (This video is from the youtube username HeartSmartMD.)

-Jong Jin Park


Salty Sea

Copyright: Best Wallpapers

Starting in the 1500s, many geologists began to estimate the age of the Earth using faulty sources and theories. For example, James Ussher estimated the age of the Earth to be over 6,000 years old based on the timelines given in the Bible and other historical events. One of the estimation that stood out was made by John Joly, an Irish geologist. In 1899, Joly published a paper estimating the age of the ocean, which he believed to be the same age as the earth, to be 90 million years old. He made his estimation based on his idea that the ocean started out fresh and as the Earth grew older, the ocean grew proportionally saltier also. However, this idea has been proven wrong today with our understanding of the ocean.

Process of Weathering and Evaporation
Copyright: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

There are many ways that the ocean gets saltier. For example, weathering, hydrothermal vents, submarine volcanoes, as well as evaporation of the ocean. The process of weathering is a condition caused by the sulfuric-containing rain falling on rocks and sediments that causes it to release minerals that are contained within. When these minerals are released from the rocks, they are then transported from the river to the ocean. This increases the overall salinity of the ocean. A second way to increase the salinity is from the hydrothermal vent sat the bottom of the seafloor.

Hydrothermal Vents
Copyright: USGS

At the hydrothermal vents, high pressure and high temperature causes the degradation of the sediments at the oceanic floors, which in turns releases minerals trapped within to the surrounding waters. Similarly, the submarine volcanoes releases minerals in the same way. Finally, the most well-known method to increase the salinity of the ocean is through evaporation of the ocean. When the ocean undergo evaporation on a hot day, it leaves behind the salts in the ocean while the water particles moves itself into the atmosphere. Therefore, evaporation is the most readily method to increase the salinity of the ocean and this is most evident in areas of high temperature.


Coccolithophore: an example of marine organism requiring calcium for shell
Copyright: Great Belt Research Cruise

While there are many ways to increase the salinity of the ocean, our ocean is not, by Joly’s theory, getting saltier with time. The reason for this is due to the plate tectonics movements as well as the circle of life of marine organisms. Firstly, when an oceanic plate collides with another continental plate, the oceanic plate tend to collide below the continental plate into the earth. When this happens, the salty minerals-containing sediments are buried deep within the Earth and therefore removing the salt in the ocean. However, the seafloor tectonic plates movement is also the cause for tsunami. Secondly, the ions in the ocean are required by marine organisms to survive. For example, these organisms require sodium to survive and calcium are needed to build skeletons and shells. When the organisms take up these ions, they also contribute to the removal of salts from the ocean. Therefore, although the ocean does get salty with time, as James Ussher predicted, the ocean also provides mechanisms that removes the salts. This is due to a phenomenon called the steady state where the ocean reaches an equilibrium between the rate of addition of salts and the rate of removal of salts.

YouTube Preview Image This Youtube video demonstrate how the plate tectonic collides at the seafloor.

-Vivian Wu

Why I Wouldn’t Follow Dr. Oz Down the Yellow Brick Road

Dr. Mehmet Oz was educated at Ivy League universities, has won numerous medical awards, is a professor and vice-chair of surgery at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and came to prominence giving medical advice on the television show Oprah. Sounds highly credible right? On paper yes, but let’s take a closer look.

Photo of Dr.Oz at the Time 100 Gala. Author: David Shankbone, via Wikimedia Commons

First, let’s talk about those “miracle supplements” Dr. Oz so commonly refers to; in particular, Garcinia cambogiaDr. Oz stated that this was “the newest, fastest fat-buster.

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From YouTube user: garciniacambogia009

No exercise, no diet, no effort? It sounds too good to be true, right?  It is. was first to bust this “find” and stated that in 1998 a study looked at its effects as an “antiobesity agent” in 135 people and found that Garcinia cambogia pills were no better than placebo for weight loss. More recently, a study involving 706 participants was unable to provide support that Garcinia cambogia extract had any impact on weight. In some studies, a few trials showed short-term slimming, but the overall effects were so small and most studies were so flawed that the authors were unable to conclude any results. Dr. Oz handpicked data to support his claims because really, who wants to watch a television show exclaiming “Garcinia cambogia: Proven to do nothing!” It seems Dr. Oz has sold his scientific morals for ratings.

Experiencing large disapproval from the scientific community, Dr. Oz decided to conduct his very own experiment to prove he still has his roots firmly planted in the scientific method. Unfortunately, Dr. Oz only managed to add supporting evidence that he does not follow good scientific practices. Looking for toxic levels of arsenic, he tested apple juice from five popular juice makers in the U.S. claiming that he found toxic levels in all five. There are too many problems with this study. First, Dr. Oz asked a lab to test for total arsenic, but there are two forms of arsenic: Organic and inorganic. Organic is found everywhere and is practically harmless. He received a warning letter from the FDA stating that arsenic occurs naturally in many foods and that only inorganic forms are toxic. Testing for total arsenic can therefore not be used to determine whether a food is unsafe. Second, never replicated his own results. He didn’t even question the numbers he got from the lab, which the FDA warned were giving erroneously high results. Yet, Dr. Oz  showed no hesitance when reporting the results on his show. He didn’t express even the slightest uncertainty about his findings. Even the media caught on. ABC’s medical editor interviewed Dr. Oz who danced around the accusations.

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From YouTube user: ABCNews 

These are just a couple instances of Dr. Oz demonstrating a lack of adherence to scientific principles. He may have the brains and the heart for science, but Dr. Oz needs to find his courage as he presents himself as the cowardly lion far too often.

-Nicole Gehring

Is Botox Safe?

Effect of Botox (Source:

Everyday term “Botox” is not the correct term of therapy, but the trade name of Botulinum toxin A, a protein and neurotoxin. Botulinum toxin A is secreted by anaerobic bacteria, called clostridium botulinum. This toxin deters the secretion of acetylcholine from the endings of the motor nerves. The main function of acetylcholine is to transmit a nerve impulse to a muscle, causing it to contract. Thus, the blockage of the neurotransmitter leads to paralysis and relaxation of the applicable muscle. This feature makes the Botox be used widespread for cosmetic use as well as medical use, for it removes wrinkles, and smoothes out facial lines, giving skin a smoother appearance. There has been a controversy whether the Botox is a safe and effective procedure or not because the toxin causes a fatal illness to humans and animals.

Image of how botox works (Source:

Generally, some health groups are against the use of Botox to prevent aging. These groups often point out that Botox is made up of commercialized Botulinum toxin A, which is proven to be poisonous and life threatening to organisms. This is indeed true. However, to accurately examine the safety and effectiveness of using Botox, we need to look at how cell biology mechanism of the toxin works. Botulinum toxin type A has both heavy chain and light chain. It uses its heavy chain in order to bind to acceptor sites on motor nerve terminals and enter a neuron through endocytosis. Using the protease activity of the light chain, Botulinum toxin A cleaves and degrades the SNAP-25 protein, which is needed to release neurotransmitters, particularly acetylcholine, from vesicles that are located in the axon endings. This results in the disruption of the release of acetylcholine that transmits a nerve impulse to a muscle, causing it to contract. Consequently, paralysis and relaxation of the applicable muscle happens for about four months.

From the mechanism above, when used in therapeutic dose, Botox does not cause serious and harmful problems to humans. In fact, pharmacological Botulinum toxin A has an excellent safety record. The most common and main side effects of Botulinum toxin A are injection site pain and bruising. Its estimated lethal dose for human beings is within the range of 2500–3000 units. Furthermore, it has been long time since Botox was approved by the FDA. It was first approved by the FDA as treatment for blepharospasm in 1989, and then for dystonia and hyperhidrosis in 2000. Finally, in 2002, Botox was approved as the cosmetic enhancement. The effectiveness of Botulinum toxin A in treating diseases is clearly exhibited by the study done by Carruthers, JA.

In conclusion, the use of Botulinum toxin A in cosmetic facial procedures and medical use is very reliable. It is very safe since typical dosage for cosmetic use is 20-50 units while lethal dose is 2500–3000 units for humans. Use of Botox in a safe and effective manner depends on how patients follow the procedures under authorized health care providers.

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This shows how botox is safe and used in many ways by dermatologist Dr Barry Lycka. (This video is from the youtube username Barry Lycka.)

-Jong Jin Park

Is the Earth’s climate changing?

We keep hearing that the climate is changing, but we are not very exposed to the evidence that support this. We are aware that the Earth is warming, however it is not warming uniformly all over the planet, and some regions have experienced more warming than others. Generally, land areas have warmed more than the oceans. I have outlined below some of the evidence that supports this statement.

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  • Satellite Measurements of Temperature: Global temperature can be measured via orbit and the US have been flying satellites since 1978. However, possibilities of error have been explored with this type of measurement. One area of potential error is that satellites do not measure surface temperature, rather they measure the temperature of the bottom 8 km of the atmosphere. Another possible area of error with satellite measurement is orbit drift.
  • Ice: The lengths of glaciers all over the world have been measured and show a clear pattern in the receding of these glaciers. The fact that this retreat of glaciers is happening in places all over the world means that the cause is global. It provide confirmation that global warming is occurring. Measurements of sea ice also confirm that is decreasing in thickness. This is further confirmation of the warming of the climate on a global level.

Ice sheet melting in Greenland

  • Ocean Temperatures: Oceans are observed to be warming as well over time. This is because the heat trapped by greenhouse gases goes into the oceans.
  • Sea Level: As grounded ice melts, the melted water runs to the ocean and increases the amount of water, thereby increasing the sea level. Another concern with the increase in sea level is that when water is warmed, it expands. This expansion of water further causes a rise in sea level.
There you have it folks,all the evidence out on the table. The Earth’s climate is changing. The above stated data are susceptible to errors therefore several types of confirmations are needed to make sure that there is no flaw in the research. 


Below are two other articles that have been published by James Hansen on the topic.