Category Archives: Science in the News

From Sugar to Morphine

Morphine is an opiate (derived from opium) painkiller, one commonly prescribed for chronic (long-term) and acute (short-term) pain. The current process for making morphine is very extensive and requires farming opium poppies for their poppy straws, from which the morphine is isolated. Morphine is on the Model List of Essential Medicines, formed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which comprise the most important medications for a basic health-care system. Morphine is also used to make other opioids such as oxycodone and methadone.

Image of the opium poppy. Via Wikimedia Commons

Image of the opium poppy. Via Wikimedia Commons

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium commonly known for causing food poisoning. Although some E. coli are beneficial and live in our gut, there are many that can cause infections. As the energy-producing processes of these bacteria were similar to the processes involved in making opiates such as morphine, a team of researchers wondered if they could use E. coli to convert sugar into painkillers.

The study, which was published in Nature Communications, was centered around using E. coli to create a precursor to morphine known as thebaine. A precursor is a substance that is used to produce the next substance; thus, thebaine is used to produce morphine. The researchers accomplished this by using four engineered strains of E. coli.

Image of E. coli. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Image of E. coli. Via Wikimedia Commons.

This research has significant implications because of the time it currently takes to produce painkillers. Many poor countries have limited access to opioids, or no access at all. Other production techniques, such as using genetically engineered yeast to produce painkillers, are not efficient enough to challenge tradition opium poppy farming. By using E. coli, the researchers were able to produce 300 times more of the opioid precursor. Another benefit in using bacteria for the production of opioids is that it would only require simple sugars, such as glucose. The yeast production method also faced ethical issues, as anyone that had access to the yeast strain could produce the opioids, leading to the production of street drugs. The E. coli method does not face this problem as the bacteria are difficult to manage and require expert handling.

Image showing heroin, a common street drug. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Image showing heroin, a common street drug. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Once the technique has improved further to increase its efficiency and passed all pharmaceutical regulations, the manufacturing of opioids from bacteria could help solve the deficit in painkillers that the world faces.

Kush Khanna

Drill-Free Dentistry, A Solution To Everyone’s Dental Nightmare?

Source: Wikipedia Commons

Anatomy of Tooth
Source: Wikipedia Commons

Going to the dentist can be an anxiety filled rollercoaster for certain individuals. The sounds of drills, the feeling of dental instruments scraping away at your teeth, and constantly having your dentist asking you to “open wider” makes some people think twice before booking their appointment. Cavities, medically known as Caries, are the most common chronic disease in children and arguably one of the strongest reasons why people book appointments to see their dentist in the first place. Cavities are caused by the food remnants left behind after a meal that are combined with acid made by the bacteria in our mouth. This mixture combined with your saliva forms plaque, which will eat away at the enamel of your teeth, causing cavities. Currently, the only solution is to go to the dentist and get the cavity filled. Recently, a study conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney provides a new cavity prevention system that contrasts current dental practices. Caries Management System (CMS) can stop, prevent, and reverse cavities so you won’t need to always get “drilled and filled” every time the dentist sees minor tooth decay.

Before getting into the CMS lets take a look at the current “drill and fill” method used in dental practices so a comparison can be made with CMS. Traditionally, the dentist would start by administering an anesthetic to numb the area around the damaged tooth. Next the dentist would proceed to clean the bacteria filled area via drill, etch the hole, patch it with a dental filling, then remove any excess substance used. The video below by DentalEdu provides an in-depth visual representation of the current process.

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Credit: DentalEdu

Contrasting the current “drill and fill” method of handling cavities, researchers at the University of Sydney found a preventative procedure that found to decrease the need of  fillings by 30%-50%. The researchers conducted their study over seven years at 22 different clinics, with 12 of those using the CMS procedure. The patient-specific procedure consists broadly of:

1. Application of high concentration fluoride varnish by dentists to the sites of early decay

2. Attention to home tooth brushing skills

3. Restriction of between-meal snacks and beverages containing added sugar

4. Risk-specific monitoring. (higher risk patients will have more tailored program to fit their needs)

By using CMS, dental practitioners could change their outlook on how tooth decay is viewed, and patients could have a different perspective on the fearful stigma of going to the dentist. Rather than simply drilling the tooth immediately to rid of tooth decay, as well as taking away the tooth itself, this patient-tailored program focuses more on pre-cavity prevention solutions rather than post-cavity drilling. CMS could change how an average person would view going to the dentist, by knowing that they are going to get personalized prevention treatment rather than a drill at the earliest sign of tooth decay would help people improve their oral health as well as become more educated about it.

Harsh Bhatt






Krokodil: A Drug That Literally Turns You Into A Zombie

Warning: there are graphic images in this blog post.

While drug usage and addiction has been a problem throughout history, drugs have not always been the easiest vice to access. This may be due to barriers such as strict drug control rules in countries or simply, the drug in question being extremely pricey. However, what if a drug that is relatively unknown and yet sold at lower prices relative to its counterparts suddenly emerged?

Enter Desomorphine, or more commonly known by it’s street name, Krokodil. Despite being around in Siberia since 2002, it only recently hit the shores of North America. This little known drug is an alternative to heroin and is derived from morphineSimilar to other hard drugs, it is highly addictive.


Gangrene is just one of the few deadly effects of Krokodil usage.

However, what sets Krokodil apart from the pack is its deadly effects. Research has found that injecting Krokodil could cause severe damage to the body. Liver and kidney damage as well as rotting gums and bone infection are common problems; with necrosis, gangrene and blood poisoning as icing on top of this very deadly cake. Continued injection of Krokodil could cause a problematic build-up of gangrene  which would lead to amputations or even, a loss of life. 

Of course, Krokodil would not be such a  big problem if it was harder to access compared to other hard drugs. Unfortunately, this is just the opposite. In a recent news site, it was reported that Krokodil prices in Russia go for as low as 5 euros; this, being 10 times lower than Heroin which gooes for aroound 50 euros. With this absurdly low price barriers, many drug addicts who are strapped for cash and need a quick and cheap high could turn to Krokodil as an alternative. It is important that the deadly effects of Krokodil be highlighted so that action can be taken to combat the usage of this drug and people can be educated about the severe risks that lie in its usage. 

A drug that gives a high similar to heroin but at a fraction of the price? To an addict this may sound like the ideal alternative but many fail to read the fine print; another price to pay for their high is to be slowly turned into a rotting pile of flesh. A zombie.

The video below helps to give insight on the lives of Krokodil addicts.

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Credit: Time on Youtube

Intimately Entangled – A Quantum Mechanical Love Story


Albert Einstein 1879-1955. Wikimedia Commons

Albert Einstein 1879-1955.
Wikimedia Commons

The man of the hour, Albert Einstein, has made quite an impact throughout the history of theoretical physics. Most recently however, the gravitational waves that Einstein’s theory of relativity predicted were detected on September 14, 2015 at 5:51 a.m.

An intelligent man indeed, yet even the brightest minds can be wrong. For instance, this brilliant theoretical physicist was unable to wrap his mind around an idea that arose from the theory of quantum mechanics – quantum entanglement.

'Intimately entangled' giraffes. Pinterest

‘Intimately entangled’ giraffes.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that allows us to know the state of one particle if we measure the state of it’s partner particle. In essence, these two particles remain intimately ‘entangled’. Einstein remained unsatisfied about the notion that these particles were able to determine each others’ fate even at large distances apart. He argued that this “spooky action at a distance” should not be considered a theory as it holds too much uncertainty.

Due to Einstein’s apprehension towards quantum entanglement, John Stewart Bell came up with Bell’s inequality experiments. Bell’s tests showed a correlation between entangled particles which were a distance apart and this correlation was observed “more than a percentage of the time”.

However, 3 loopholes in Bell’s experiment were discovered and could have eradicated the idea of quantum entanglement had they not been closed by today’s scientists. The first loophole points out that all entangled particles are not detected, meaning that the undetected photons could potentially change the statistical results that support quantum entanglement. The second loophole marks the notion that the entangled particles may affect each other’s state before detection by observers. The final loophole states that this idea may not be random at all, and that the observer is actually unable to detect the pattern.

The first two loopholes were closed by Hanson and his team; their experiment used diamonds to observe the state of all the photons which closed the first loophole, as for the closure of the second loophole, the electrons emitting the photons in their experiment were far enough apart that they were not able to communicate before the observer detected their states. A solution to the final loophole is currently in the works attempting to explore the random nature of the detection of photons. A paper submitted by Dr. Lynden Shalm and his team, that has yet to be peer-reviewed, has shown their attempt at using “random number generators and high-speed polarization measurements” to prove the random behavior of the particles.

The following video by Joe Scott found on YouTube indicates how scientists are currently closing loopholes.

Sorry Einstein, but it seems that quantum entanglement is looking pretty feasible thanks to the work done by scientists. They’ve worked on closing Bell’s loopholes and thus provided support for quantum entanglement.

Working with this theory of quantum entanglement, society can look forward to research into more efficient computing. For instance, in 2013 Google and NASA experimented with a computer that runs 108 times faster than a typical PC, and this is just the beginning.


                      – Paria Assadipour

Benefits of Breastfeeding: Breast Milk Contains Sugars that Contribute to Healthy Infant Growth

Were you aware that the thousands of bacteria residing in our gastrointestinal tract (gut) and their interactions with the dietary foods we consume actually have a great impact on human health?

Two 25-milliliter samples of human breast milk. The lefthand sample is first milk produced and the righthand sample is milk produced later during the same pumping.

Two 25-milliliter samples of human breast milk. Source: Wikipedia Commons

Inspired by this discovery, a team of researchers led by Jeffrey Gordon from the Washington University School of Medicine in St.Louis found that the interactions of gut bacteria with the sugars in breast milk promote healthy infant growth.

Why is healthy infant growth a topic of discussion?
Every year, childhood malnutrition causes over 3 million deaths, leads to stunted growth and is associated with impaired cognitive ability.

Branched Oligosaccharide Structure

Branched Oligosaccharide Structure.                  Source: Wikipedia Commons

In Malawai, Africa, almost 50% of children under the age of 5 showed stunted growth. The researchers collected samples of human breast milk from those mothers with healthy babies or stunted babies. They discovered that the amount of oligosaccharides (sugar) in the breast milk containing sialic acid, an essential nutrient for brain development and cognition, were much greater in the mothers with healthy, relative to stunted growth babies.

This finding suggests that the sugars in the breast milk contribute to healthy infant growth. To analyze whether this was the case, the researchers created animal models, ensuring that both the bacteria in the gut and the diet could be manipulated. Gordon and his team began by isolating bacterial strains from fecal matter of the undernourished babies and inserted it into mice or piglets. Then, the researchers fed the mice or the piglets a typical Malawian diet, consisting of legumes, corn, vegetables, and fruit, a diet itself which is insufficient for healthy growth.


Whey, a by-product of cheesemaking. Source: Wikipedia Commons

With the mice and the piglets mimicking the undernourished Malawian infants, Gordon and his team then began testing effects of the sialic acid-containing sugars. They used cow milk as an alternative because of the difficulty to purify large amounts of sugars from human breast milk. They were able to obtain sialic acid-containing sugars from whey, a by-product of cheesemaking, and fed it to the animals. The mice and piglets showed significant improvements in growth, in both muscle mass and in bone volume. The mice and piglets also showed improved brain development and metabolic activities in the liver.

Because the bacteria in the gut was allowed to be manipulated, the researchers were able to pinpoint which bacterial strains were affected by sialic acid-containing sugars and how the different strains interacted with one another. They found that one strain of bacteria fed on the sialic acid-containing sugars and another strain fed on the digested products of sialic acid-containing sugars. This revealed a possible food web within the bacterial gut community.These two strains of bacteria alone were not sufficient enough to explain healthy growth in the mice and piglets, signifying that more complex interactions among different bacteria in the gut were necessary for growth.

The results of their study were recently published in Cell and serves as the foundation for future studies on the benefits of the components of breast milk on healthy infant growth and its interaction with gut bacteria.


Posted on February 22, 2016 By Jenny U

BPA-free Plastics: Are They Really Any Safer?

Consumers nowadays are very concerned with what chemicals are found in household products, especially since the discovery that “BPA” found in water bottle and food container plastics can leach into food and water and cause deleterious effects. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a molecule used to strengthen plastics, however many manufacturers have discontinued it’s use after studies done on animals displayed a link to early growth development and an increase in breast and prostate cancers. Consumers are now consciously buying BPA-free products, although a new study suggests that they may not be any safer than plastics that do contain BPA.

BPA and BPS are found in plastics used to make water bottles. Source:

BPA and BPS are found in plastics used to make water bottles. Source:

A press release published by Science Daily reports on a study done by a team of scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) who studied the effects of Bisphenol S (BPS), a common alternative to BPA, on zebrafish. This is the first study done to determine the effects of both BPA and BPS on brain cells that control the growth and function of reproductive organs.

The researchers exposed the zebrafish to low doses of BPA and BPS, equivalent to concentrations found in polluted rivers. They found that growth in the embryonic stage of these animals was advanced by as much as 25 hours, which resulted in accelerated egg hatching. As another part of the study, the scientists tagged certain developmental proteins in the brain and discovered that there was a 40% increase in endocrine neurons in zebrafish, which suggests that BPA over-stimulates the reproductive system. Similar results were found with BPS. The team suspects that the increase in neurons could lead to premature puberty and the disruption of the reproductive system, and could have a similar effect on humans.

Zebrafish were used in this study due to their transparent embryos in order to watch the cells as they grow. Source:

Zebrafish were used in this study due to their transparent embryos in order to watch the cells as they grow. Source:

Not only did this study discover the dangerous effects of BPS, it also found that BPA and BPS act through the estrogen system as well as the thyroid hormone system. Past research showed that BPA only mimics the effect of estrogen, however these scientists discovered that it also mimics the effect of the thyroid hormone system, which has an important influence on brain development. The findings from this study support the hypothesis that endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be contributing to early developmental problems.

Where do we go from here as a society? Currently all plastics used for water bottles and food containers contain either BPA or BPA alternatives, and the only replacement for these plastics is glass. As this is a continuous issue in scientific news and public media, solutions to this problem need to be found. For now, consumers need to be careful of what plastics they buy, and may want to think twice before buying “safer” BPA-free plastics.

For more information on the effects of BPA and BPS, the video below released by the University of Calgary discusses the results  of their study:

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  • Emma Peachey, February 8, 2016

What Is Skin Cancer? and How Can We Prevent It?

Summer is the best season for sun activities, but the sun exposure is not without a price. As many people already know, skin cancer is mostly developed through sun exposure. Obviously, the best way to prevent skin cancer is to avoid the sun, but we all are eagerly anticipating fun in summer; we want to have pool parties and BBQs in hot and sunny weather. Now, I want to suggest to you the most effective and realistic way to prevent skin cancer when you have fun outside.

The Types of Skin Cancer

First, it is important to know the types of skin cancer because one is more dreadful than other. There are two main types of skin cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma and  Melanoma. The first one is less harmful; it only stays in one location of a body. Melanoma, on the other hand, spreads to other areas of a body, especially to other organs. Melanoma is usually darkish, but it can be any colour. In men, it is usually found on the back, whereas in women, it is often found on the leg. 



The Risk Factors of Skin Cancer

Patients with light-complexioned skin, naturally blond or red hair, a family history of skin cancer, or many moles have a higher risk of getting skin cancer.

The Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

It is important to cover up your skin as much as you can. For instance, you should try to wear a hat to protect your face; you should wear sleeves and pants.

You should monthly check your skin, making sure that there is nothing suspicious on your skin. If you think you have skin cancer, you should not hesitate to see doctors.

It is essential to use sunscreen; it is by far the best way to prevent skin cancer. However, you should make sure you use the sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, with stated “UVA and UVB” protection on the bottle, and the ingredients “titanium” and/or “zinc oxide.”

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Having fun in summer is definitely not wrong, but you should be careful. If you still want sun activities, you should make sure you follow the suggestions I made above, and I hope everyone has a great summer in the future and stays healthy.




Dohoon Kim