Monthly Archives: September 2012

A balancing act in the classroom

The microprocessor is the cornerstone for all our technological devices.  Moore, an Intel co-founder once prophesized that, “the number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every two years” (Intel, n.d.). Due to this rapid cycle, our society has … Continue reading

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Language as technology [I posted this last week, but forgot to categorize it, sorry about that.] I chose this picture of Orson Welles the night he performed “The War of the Worlds” by H.G. Wells, on October 30th, 1938 in the United … Continue reading

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Text beyond words I chose a calligramme by the poet Gillaume Appolinaire, because he took printed text to new heights. Appolinaire felt poetry was not exploiting shape and sound. Poetry could be a visual and aural experience. He invented the calligramme, a … Continue reading

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Technology and Text: One in the Same?

Is Technology, Text? Through the exploration of text and technology, it created a vision in my mind. I found the two concepts to be related and eventually came to the conclusion that “technology is text”. Think about the tools we … Continue reading

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Technology in Adams’ Universe

Here is another favourite author of mine, Douglas Adams, “with a set of rules that describe our reaction to technologies:” 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re a born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural … Continue reading

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Above subtext?

Here is part of a scene from Whit Stillman’s movie, Barcelona (1994): EXT. AVENUE – DAY Ted and Fred, dressed for work, walking up Paseo de Gracia in 8 a.m. pedestrian traffic. This morning the uniform wearing Fred and, by … Continue reading

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They are Us

“They mediate our actions? No, they are us.” –Bruno Latour, “On Technical Mediation: Philosophy, Sociology, Genealogy.” Common Knowledge 3: 2 (1994) pp. 29-64. These are the final words in Latour’s essay referenced above. The “they” he refers to are … Continue reading

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The changing nature of text.

[youtube][/youtube] The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) Michael Wesch Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Although this very popular Youtube video is quite literal in defining the changing nature of text, I felt it illustrated some interesting elements from our Papyrus to … Continue reading

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The Change of Technology

I came across this poem about technology by James S. Huggins. I thought it was not only humorous, but showed how technology has changed and will continue to change over time. Technology and terms used in technology are always changing. … Continue reading

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My Thoughts on “Text”

When searching for a phrase that represents the meaning of text, I came across this statement by James Elkin that seemed to sum up my view of what text is. He stated that, ” ‘Text’ refers to anything which is … Continue reading

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