LBSOne of the things you’ll find out very quickly if you aren’t already aware is the sheer volume of law firms in Vancouver. As a 1L, interacting with law firms can feel overwhelming and intimidating – but it doesn’t need to be! That’s where we come in to help. The Law & Business Society is a great forum for networking with the largest corporate firms in Vancouver. Every year, four 1L students (a representative for each small group) will be elected by their peers to become a 1L representative for the Law & Business Society. As an elected member of the Law & Business Society, you get the opportunity to work with two to three corporate law firms to organize an event for your classmates to attend. Not only is this a fantastic way to meet lawyers and get to know some large Vancouver firms, it’s always a fun night out!

Whether it’s a champagne tasting, speed networking, or a bowling night, the events put on by the Law & Business Society help new law students break the ice and get comfortable speaking to lawyers who practice business law. That being said, we want to emphasize that you don’t need to have a business background or even necessarily want to practice business law in order to run for a 1L representative position or attend our events! We just want students eager to serve as part of our team and those who can work with firms in facilitating/promoting events to their fellow classmates. Stay tuned for events put on by the Law & Business Society through Facebook. If you have any questions about the Law & Business Society, don’t hesitate to e-mail myself or my Co-President Courtney Campbell at Oh, and welcome to Allard Law! It’s going to be a (mostly) wonderful year.

Brandon Manhas and Courtney Campbell (Co-presidents)

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