Around campus, in the dorms, on the buses – all people are talking about are the results of the residence lottery.
It is well known that here at UBC, first year students are guaranteed a place in residence – it’s a nice, secure feeling, as a freshman coming in. However, once first year is over, it’s gamble everyone from 2nd year students up have to take part in if they want to live on campus. The lottery is about as fair as they can make it, but the majority of people I’ve talked to or heard talking didn’t get in. I didn’t.
It’s fine, I’m not panicking (unlike some of my friends). There will be plenty of places off campus I can look into closer to fall, and I’m not too high up on the wait list for year round housing. Honestly, I’d rather not live in year round housing, because it’s a lot more expensive than many off campus sites, but if everything else falls through, there’s a chance I could be in Thunderbird or Marine next year. I have an idea of where I want to live off campus, but I won’t know if it’s possible until late May or early June.
Either way, I’m not about to freak out and get upset. My friends and I (probably) won’t spilt up just because we aren’t living together. (Who knows, it could actually be better for our relationships.) I won’t die if I have to take a long-ish commute. Getting to know new people won’t be so bad.
If anyone else is in the same position as me, I mean, I’m not experienced in this situation, but I feel safe in saying that everything will be all right. :)