Tag Archives: parents

Moving In

Three – the number of hours spent in IKEA.

Two – the number of chairs currently existing in my kitchen so I no longer have to sit on the floor.

One – the number of real beds in my bedroom, meaning I don’t have to sleep on an air mattress anymore!

Yes, that’s right, I’ve finally moved all my stuff into my condo – not to say I’m fully moved in, but all the boxes are safely inside my little bundle of space.  Yesterday was a day so busy and chaotic I didn’t even get to do my daily school countdown post (by the way, there are 6 days left). Today will be a day of do-it-yourself IKEA construction, unpacking boxes, and if I’m lucky, putting the finishing touches on my room.

Okay, let’s be honest. It’s going to be a day of my parents constructing the piecemeal IKEA furniture, me doing a little bit of unpacking, and then running off to practice in the music building, take part in a photo shoot for the new students.ubc.ca, and then later going over to my friend Natasha’s house for an overnight LOST marathon.  I’m sure my parents will be fine without me… probably better off, actually, given my experience with a hammer. (Explanation: none.)  In all seriousness though, I’m extremely lucky to have parents who love me enough to drive my stuff halfway across the country, buy me furniture, move it for me, and then set it up. EXTREMELY EXTREMELY LUCKY.

Moving in so far has been pretty smooth, unless you count the doormat causing the door to not be able to open. But I’m not really counting that.


P.S. Yes, I get to be in a photo shoot today! UBC is coming out with a new students website, and of course they need to photos to go with it. I’ve always wondered how you get to be one of those smiling people on the various UBC websites, and now I get to be one of them! EEEEEEE!

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