Tag Archives: work

My Work Study – Ushering

This year I was fortunate enough to land a Work Study position as an usher/front of house person for the School of Music’s Wednesday Noon Hour concert series. It was a really great experience and right now I am going to tell you why in the form of a bulleted list because frankly I like bulleted lists:

  • My coworkers were lovely and my boss was incredibly kind. Many times she said to me, “Have I told you how glad I am to have you on the team?”
  • The work was enjoyable and related to my field. If I ever want to put on my own concert or help someone else put one on, or if I want to go into concert production, I know how to do it.
  • I got to listen to lots of great musicians.
  • Sometimes, if there were evening concerts, I’d get to eat reception food. Nom nom nom.
  • The hours were very manageable (on average two hours per week, for my particular position) and fit right into my class schedule.
  • The pay was good.
  • I was given plenty of opportunity to grow and to take responsibility, without feeling overwhelmed and still having support when I needed it.
  • I definitely improved my problem solving skills.

Overall a very positive experience and I look forward to going back next year!

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