Hi from Winnipeg!

Hi everyone!

My name is Vibhu and I’m from Winnipeg.  This is my 4th term with MET where I’m taking my 7th and 8th course.  I’m taking ETEC 530 along with this one and I am excited to be nearing the end of my MET journey!

I teach high school science courses for Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate, a program part of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (MFNERC).  Naturally, with a science major I have been eager to learn how educational technology and science learning exist in the web 2.0 space.

Looking forward to working with everyone!



  1. HI Vibhu,
    I don’t think we have crossed paths in any of the MET courses so far. I look forward to meeting with you. I am curious if your science work incorporates both technology and the environmental issues so close to the First Nations People’s? I think it would be fascinating to try and mesh all three: science, tech and nature.

    1. That’s is an excellent question Catherine! Land based education is definitely picking up momentum in physical schools situated in the communities where nature is a core part of the curriculum. As this relationship between curriculum and nature matures more, the virtual collegiate would also need to work hard at combining technology and the environment.
      Thank you for making me think differently!

      1. Hi Vibhu!

        I completed ETEC 521 {Indigeneity, Technology and Education} last term and the concept of place-based learning, {what I think you are calling “land based education”}, was an interwoven theme throughout the course and what I chose to explore further through my final project. I definitely think that there is a space to combine sciences and place-based knowledge with technology, but it does require a shift in thinking, doesn’t it?

        Looking forward to learning from and with you during this course!

  2. Happy New Years Vibhu. I look forward to learning more about your work with MFN and how the sciences best merge in this context, Samia

  3. As someone coming to this course from a math background as opposed to a science background, I look forward to learning from your perspectives.

  4. Vibhu,

    Congrats on nearing the end of the program! Does the ‘virtual’ in Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate mean your courses are online or blended learning? I was recently thinking that distance/blended teachers taking the MET program would have another layer to their experience beyond the course: comparing/contrasting the online teaching strategies they employ with what they see as students in MET.

    Best of luck this term!


    1. Absolutely Josh! Every course that I’ve taken I have automatically compared to the practices of the professor to my own every day practices in the online high school. Our program is completely online and on top of that synchronous. So we use D2L to hose content and meet “face to face” with students in scheduled slots where we interact with them via audio and visuals using Adobe Connect!

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