Communication Forms

Reflecting on my own experiences as a student and as a teacher leads to two generalizations of personal challenges I have encountered:

  1. Memorization of so much information without application
  2. Repetition + Rote vs. Time + Experience

Both of these issues were relevant to me in my secondary and post-secondary education. Having been a particularly strong student through most of my grade levels, I began to struggle at the end of secondary school and beginning of post-secondary when I could not simply rely on memorization of what I heard in class. I was not used to having to “work” to acquire my learning.

The video we watched about Harvard graduates and the case study of Heather stated, “every time we communicate, new concepts compete with the pre-conceived ideas of our listeners” (18:38). In thinking about the growing trend or use of STEM, or STEAM, or inquiry-based learning and other related terms in the classroom, the similarity of all of these is integrating subject areas and hands on learning. I find it exciting to think of all the possibilities when we picture inter-curricular projects rather than separate boxed subject areas. Recognizing how these subject areas can co-exist simultaneously and being comfortable with it, however, seems to be one of the biggest hurdles. Nadelson et al. (2013) suggest that, “many elementary teachers have constrained background knowledge, confidence, and efficacy for teaching STEM that may hamper student STEM learning” (p. 157). “Access to appropriate resources” (p. 157) and appropriate professional development seem to also be key challenges to the integration of STEM into the elementary curriculum whose content and daily schedule seem to lend itself particularly well to the teaching of STEM. Although this article cites the problem being that the teacher certification program does not include enough science and mathematics methods and content courses, which I do agree with to a certain extent, I have found that authentic, engaging professional development is severely lacking and not often sought out. I also contend that even if there were more methods and content courses in teacher certification programs, change would not necessarily occur if the teaching in the certification programs continued to be on dated methods and content. Getting back to the original quote from the video, new concepts compete with the pre-conceived ideas not only in our students but also in teachers. How can teachers be encouraged to challenge their own pre-conceived ideas without feeling threatened or without having the fear of a ton more work without any payoff in regards to student learning?

Driver, R., Guesne, E., & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Children’s ideas and the learning of science. Children’s ideas in science, 1-9.

Nadelson, L. S., Callahan, J. , Pyke, P. , Hay, A. , Dance, M. & Pfiester, J. (2013). Teacher STEM Perception and Preparation: Inquiry-Based STEM Professional Development for Elementary Teachers, The Journal of Educational Research, 106:2, 157-168, DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2012.667014

Shapiro, B. L. (1988). What children bring to light: Towards understanding what the primary school science learner is trying to do. Developments and dilemmas in science education, 96-120.


  1. Allison, your statement, “I was not used to having to work to acquire learning” underscores the hard personal work necessary by students to personally grasp concepts (and get the most out of what is being conveyed). For our students, it requires even more effort for those particularly challenging concepts in math and science. Shapiro and Driver are two important researchers who have contributed to this question of students and the challenges they face. Bonnie Shapiro is still at the University of Calgary and her light study is an important one as this concept is broached in elementary to secondary physics.

    In the Shapiro study on light with elementary children, it would be interesting to hear for our group what kinds of concepts were particularly challenging? What alternative or partial conceptions were revealed with what methods? How might Driver suggest teachers approach this challenging concept? Thank you for getting us started on this discussion, Samia

    1. Allison,

      The article that I explored by Henriques (2002) also shares concerns about the misconceptions that teachers bring into the classroom. Many times these misconceptions are not addressed in teacher education programs as the process of teaching often trumps the content to be taught. In my own educational experience as a younger student, I do not recall any models or experiential science learning until high school! I did not have an interest at the time to “self-educate” in that area and carried this lack of understanding into adulthood and into my career as teacher.

      In other courses, the discussion of teacher’s “fear” of technology can be an inhibitor to teacher’s knowledge and growth in technology related this learning. Do you think that teachers can also experience a “fear” of the sciences and mathematics?

      Finally, I really appreciated the student “Mark” (I believe) in Shapiro’s research on light and wondered about his inquisitive mind. Was his curiosity about the world around him developed through nature or nurture, or a mixture of both? His enthusiasm and interest in science related learning was definitely a determinant in his success. I would love to know what he is doing now in life.

      Henriques, L. (2002, May). Children’s misconceptions about weather: A review of the literature. Social Science and Mathematics, 102 (5), 202-214.

  2. Jessica, I do believe that some teachers not only have a fear of technology, but also of mathematics and science as you posited above. I am aware of a few primary teachers who goggle at me when they see the type of math and science concepts we are teaching in grade 7/8. I know that much of the time these types of teachers are following the text book closely during their science and math lessons.
    It was also my experience in teacher’s college that we did not learn specifics of teaching math and science, and I entered the classroom with many misconceptions. However, being and inquisitive person, I made sure to explore the topics I was teaching before I taught them. I might not have been too far ahead of my students but I did manage to uncover a lot of my own misconceptions which helped me clarify some of those of my students.


  3. I can completely relate to the idea that “many elementary teachers have constrained background knowledge, confidence, and efficacy for teaching STEM that may hamper student STEM learning” (Nadelson et al, 2013, p. 157). I had poor math teachers throughout high school who didn’t (or couldn’t) explain concepts properly. For example, I remember I once sought out help after class, and my teacher told me he was sorry, but he didn’t know how to answer the question. He didn’t offer to follow up with me another time. Instead, I was left to my own device to try and figure the concept out on my own. I wish I had had access to online tutorials or an online discussion forum.

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