Monthly Archives: January 2017

Unpacking Assumptions

To me, good use of technology in the math and science classroom means creating an engaging, interactive, and meaningful learning experience and environment for students. In Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st Century, Jenkins et al. (2009) point out that “simply passing out technology is not enough” if we do not support students in their understanding of how to use these digital technologies effectively (p. 17). “Good” use of technology is using technology to support student learning (rather than using it to teach “at” students) through a variety of sources, and to support inclusion within the classroom.

In my math classroom, I use Kurzweil to support students (I have five) who are unable to read independently. By having Kurzweil available to read to them, they are able to work relatively independently and more confidently. In a second example, this year I applied for and received a grant for a program called Reflex Math, a computer-based fluency-building program that focuses on improving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. I had never heard of Reflex Math before, but applied based on a recommendation from my principal. While I continue to struggle with the fact that the program is “game” based and I was brought up believing that computer/video games were rarely educational, my students love the program and many are now practicing at home as well as working three times a week (as is required by the grant) at school. The program is accessible to all students, regardless of their academic strengths and weaknesses, and is helping my students build confidence, as well as fluency in math. In addition to this, I have noticed an improvement in their abilities to complete simple calculations more quickly and accurately on class assignments.

I do believe that there are still times when traditional hands-on experience will trump anything we can show a student using digital technology. When I think of the concept of condensation that I used for my “Conceptual Challenges” response, I cannot think of a good way to support the understanding of why condensation would form on the outside of a container without a hands-on learning experience to accompany it. To be able to see the liquid in the container, touch the liquid that formed on the outside of the container, and make observations about the temperature of the water, container, surrounding environment and so on, just seems to be irreplaceable to me. While I support the integration of new technologies into our classrooms, I believe there continues to be a time and a place for both new technologies and traditional learning models in our classrooms.


Jenkins, H., Purushotma, R., Weigel, M., Clinton, K., & Robinson, A.J. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Retrieved from

Beyond This Place There Be Dragons

In A Private Universe, Heather’s challenges come from a number of places:

  1. Her brain’s attempt to integrate correct information from differing topics (see: Heather’s reference to analemmas in her description of orbits)
  2. Integrating learned conceptual knowledge with observed phenomena (seasonal differences caused by proximity to the sun makes sense when we think about our experience with proximity to a heat source)
  3. Her own best guesses at information she has not yet learned.

Heather’s misconceptions tend to be around phenomena she can’t observe.  As Driver et al (1985) states, “some elements in the structure of a scientific theory do not correspond to direct perceptions” (p. 5).  Because of this, Heather must assimilate knowledge of her perceived environment with the theoretical or unobservable.  The demonstrations her teacher led with the model of the solar system were helping to correct her understanding.  Posner et al (1982) theorized that to change a misconception, a person must: be dissatisfied with current conceptions, have the ability to understand a new conception, have an initially plausible new conception, and the new conception must be seen as means to open up new learning.    Heather’s old thoughts had a stickiness to them – whenever Heather was questioned beyond a point of her comfort zone, she would return to her old explanations.  When it came to her description of the seasons, it sounded like she was on the right track, but misconceptions revealed themselves when she was questioned.  Chi (2005) would point out that Heather was mis-categorizing an ‘emergent’ process as a ‘direct’ process.  Her ideas of direct and indirect light seemed to be based on her observed notions of reflection.  The observed direct process was so powerful in her thinking that she was able to ignore the fact there is almost nothing in space for the sun’s light to reflect off to ‘bounce’ back at Earth.

As a teacher, I remain an optimist about my student’s ability to adapt to new ways of thinking.  For Heather, I hope that, as she integrates correct information into her understanding, it will replace misconceptions.  It seems to me that the deeper her inquiry and the more frequent her exposure to the correct information, the more likely Heather is to rewire her brain away from the misconceptions she holds (though maybe that is my own deeply held misconception!).  While I was watching the video and listening to all the Harvard grads explain their flawed view of the changing seasons, I found myself shaking my head and feeling quite smug.  Later, I reflected on Heather’s interview and remembered how her improved explanations fell to pieces when she was questioned and probed deeper.  As an experiment, I began asking myself deeper questions about my own understanding of the seasons, and found it didn’t take long until I was out of my depth.  The fact is, there is a point at which every person’s understanding on a given topic comes to its limit.  Like the signs on ancient maps, ‘beyond this place there be dragons’, it is imagination, educated guesses, and misconceptions that live in that place beyond our understanding.


Chi, M. T. H. (2005). Commonsense conceptions of emergent processes: Why some misconceptions are robust. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14(2), 161-199. doi:10.1207/s15327809jls1402_1

Driver, R., Guesne, E., & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Children’s ideas and the learning of science. Children’s ideas in science, 1-9. Retrieved from:

Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W. and Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of ascientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Sci. Ed., 66: 211–227. doi: 10.1002/sce.373066020.  Retrieved from:

Schneps, M. H., Sadler, P. M., Woll, S., & Crouse, L. (1989). A Private universe. S. Burlington, VT: Annenberg Media.

Assistive Technology and Expanded Opportunities

A good use of digital technology in the math and science classroom is one that allows students to engage in ideas and learning in ways that would not be possible without the technology.  Technology should open possibilities by removing or reducing limitations.  One form this can take is in the way of addressing learning challenges.  Technology can be used to help students engage in math and science learning despite challenges such as dyscalculia or dyslexia.  I had a student in grade 6 math last year who had been diagnosed with dyslexia and struggled immensely with both writing and reading, but his numeracy was adequate.  His printing was illegible.  Through technology tools such as Kurzweil to turn text into audio, an iPad to allow him to explain his understanding digitally, and simulation apps that helped him see the math visually, he was extremely successful in math.  Without those tools, his success would have been much more limited by his challenges.  The concepts weren’t the real issue at the beginning of the year, the communication was.

A second good use of technology is to provide experiences for students that otherwise would not be accessible due to money or resources– designing physics experiments in a simulator to test new ideas, creating computer models to explore scientific theories, having access to academic databases around the world, etc.  Technology should not be used simply to occupy students, but rather to provide them with an option for exploration beyond the brick and mortar classroom.  A student who has never seen a pulley, for example, may have misconceptions about how weight would affect movement in such a setup, forming ideas based on other experiences.  A digital simulator where they can experiment with different sizes, lengths, and weights, could help them develop a better understanding of the dynamics.  The more experiences a student has, virtual or real-world, the broader and deeper his/her worldview will become.

The greatest obstacle I see to implementation of the best digital technology for the best situations to meet individual student engagement and learning needs is funding.  While many school divisions seem to be either technology-driven or at least technology-aware, technology costs money, both initially and for maintenance.  With budget cuts and shifting enrollment, divisions need to prioritize their spending and sometimes this means that while tools may be available in the marketplace, they may not fit in the business planning for a particular year or school.  As a result, appropriate tools either aren’t purchased at all or get exchanged for cheaper alternatives.  The result is insufficient availability of digital technology either in terms of quantity or in terms of quality.  While I do not have an immediate solution for this barrier without the ability to give the school divisions more money, something that we can do as educators is to employ our own creativity to maximize the potential of the technologies we do have available, including ongoing professional development in the area.  Our students will depend on us to create the opportunities for them to learn and explore in the classroom, regardless of if we have the technology we want or not.

Exploring Assumptions

Digital technology can be used in a variety of ways to support and enhance student learning, especially if it is utilized in a meaningful way and not just as an add on to a regular lesson. Having said that, there are many teachers who have difficulty figuring out how to use technology to enhance learning and not use it just for the sake of using it because it is there, or is the most recent initiative from our Board. There is still quite a notion that using computers in the classroom is only for playing games.  Although it can be viewed and used as a time filler, most digital technology is much more than that.

In order for digital technology to be effective it must focus on the concepts that are being taught in the classroom to build accurate understanding and reinforce learning outcomes. Depending on the purpose of the technology, it can be used as a way to activate prior knowledge with a quick minds on activity, or it could be used more fully as an introduction to a new topic. This could be accomplished with a variety of games sites, but it could also include a video clip, a song, a 3D model of something which could be manipulated to show different perspectives and aspects of the model, it could provide an interactive task such as dissecting a frog, or exploring an animal cell to engage and intrigue students.

Digital technology is a great way to differentiate instruction levels and abilities for different students. Many programs offer the ability to tailor questions or tasks to specific students. One math program that does this is Prodigy, which allows you to choose the grade, the strand of math, the specific concept, and the students to whom you are assigning the tasks. You could do the whole class on the same level, or you could assign different grade levels of the same concept for students with an IEP or who may be struggling and need more practice at a lower level. Technology also allows students to present their learning and understanding in different ways. Those who may not be comfortable presenting in front of the class could create a video presentation and have the class view that instead.

Good digital technology is user friendly, easy to navigate, and accessible in more than one place or format. I know my students appreciate Google classroom and Edmodo where they can find their assignments on any device and can access them without having to be in the classroom. No more lugging heavy text books, or papers that are easily lost in the black hole of their backpacks.

I think that our biggest hurdle as educators in this digital age is to teach our students how to use the technology responsibly and effectively. This is difficult as students still see technology as something special in the classroom because of the availability constraints. It would be much easier to integrate digital technology seamlessly and effectively in the classroom if each student was equipped with their own device in a 1:1 classroom.



Using with Purpose

The utilization of technology in the math and science classroom should look like an enhancement and support for learning the concepts in these subject areas. Technology does not replace a standard way of teaching, but rather should be used to transform the learning that is able to occur. Technology can also not be used as a stand alone lesson or be regarded as providing a lesson in and of itself.

Last year I decided to subscribe to a free trial of “Mathletics”. Does anyone use this program at their school? A colleague and I received training one day after school as to all of the resources available on the site and then a date to discuss purchasing a full subscription after a month. My grade 3 students were very enthusiastic to use the site, which was full of math games, videos, practice, lessons, and more on every concept they needed to learn. My students were able to login to this site once maybe twice a week for a block to access these materials. During the month they were very engaged at exploring all of the different avenues available. As a teacher I could assign particular topics to students, track each student’s progress, and differentiate their learning. Mathletics is an amazing site and valuable resource. When we met with the company representative a month later, we were astounded at the price of subscription. Given that this was a resource we were not able to use with our students daily because of equipment and schedule restraints, it was not feasible for our school to purchase any kind of license. Although there are many creative ideas to fundraise and someone support this purchase price, I found myself questioning why. Why would I fundraise to teach math? This would be an expense I would need to find a way to pay for every year. How would I get enough use out of this program if I could only be supporting my students with this program once a week?

I came across the math game, Prodigy, through conversations in one of my MET courses. This is a free game that takes students into an adventure world where they can go on a quest while completing math questions. The program is designed to tailor math questions to student abilities and has been very engaging for my students. It also tracks student progress for a teacher and provides many different useful statistics.

Through my experience with both of these programs I have come to realize that they are both helpful and meaningful supports to my teaching when used appropriately. To solely rely on these programs would be detrimental to not only my students’ learning but also eventually to their motivation to learn. We talk about how numbers and words on a worksheet can be too abstract for many of our learners and that they need more hands on and experiential learning opportunities, and I think we need to realize that jumping to the opposite pole of full learning on technology could also end up looking quite similar to the “learning” that occurs with worksheets. When used appropriately and purposely, the opportunities to enhance our students’ learning in the math and science classroom by utilizing technology are endless and quite exciting.

My perspectives on the promise of technology in math and science classrooms

When considering good use of technology in the math and science classroom my ideas always hit the wall of what I view as actually financially feasible.  With any new technology, and in fact even with technology which is well entrenched in learning institutions, the problem of financing updates to both hardware and software as well as employing enough information technology specialists to deal with these issues is daunting.

When I consider my vision of good use of digital technology in the math and science classrooms, I need first to consider what is currently taking place. Firstly, there is a lack of strategic planning. There needs to be a school improvement plan or even better a school board improvement plan that indicates ways that technology should (can?) be incorporated into our classrooms to support students. It should outline a plan to train educators in a variety of technology tools, provide an outline as to how technology can and should be used and accessed by students, and should involve some way of reporting back to ensure that these steps are being taken and how to move forward from here. Technology cannot continue to be seen as an “add-on” but rather an integral part of good math and science learning.  I fear this does not happen because our school board does not have the means to make this happen, so they are rolling out new hardware with a lack of training and follow up, or the training is done once and there is no follow up.  So at our school board there are pockets of good technology use happening, but it is inconsistent and beliefs about the “promise” of technology are divergent.

After reading the course readings for module A, I found a connection between my initial thoughts and the ideas outlined in the article about the Brewster Academy. I was struck by the extent of the overhaul they felt was needed in order for technology enabled school reform to occur. The considerations required to pull this off were immense and included needs assessment, policy building, instructional supports, professional development, hardware considerations, personnel requirements, costs, etc. (Bain, Bain & Smith, 2000). As I noted earlier, technology as an “add-on” simply does not work. The Brewster Academy, in attempting to reform their school started basically at square one and in a way “re-built” their school and how it operated from the ground up, no small feat. It also struck me that they required educators to acquire sophisticated skills in a range of teaching methods and technology applications, and that they placed importance of these of educators understanding the connectedness and interrelatedness of the curricula and technology (Bain, Bain & Smith, 2000).

Since I work in an elementary setting the problems are compounded by the fact that many of the technology initiatives and hardware are earmarked for the high schools or higher educational settings. In addition, our BYOD (Bring your own device) policies are in their infancy and often misunderstood or blatantly shot down in the elementary school setting for fear of using technology to browse social networks, cheat on tests, etc. In addition, we have I-pad carts which can be “signed out” for one period and must be shared with the school. Any productivity done on these I-Pads is then “wiped” as they are charged on the I-Pad cart. The laptop computers have a variety of issues including missing keyboard keys, broken lids, firewalls that severely limit usage as well as the password and login protections that make these devices of limited use to young students. In addition, many of the grade 2 students I teach have limited experience with a keyboard as they are growing up in the generation of “touch screen”, and so they must master this to some degree before using the laptops.

This being said, I envision students using technology seamlessly throughout the day to carry out a variety of investigations, research, watch video, create video, test hypotheses, video chat with other students or experts globally, access virtual field trips, present information digitally or in other technological formats, use technology as an assistive device, capture images and sound, remix and create new products, view and create 3 dimensional objects to gain deeper understandings, create stop action products, etc. There are so many ways technology CAN be incorporated but there must be:

  • technology available
  • expertise available (even if this comes from the students, which often it does
  • time available. By this I mean, to work around sharing technology, scheduling, curricular demands, workload demands, time for training and professional development, time to “play” with technologies so that we can wrap our head around the capabilities.

One example of this is Google Earth. I am aware of Google Earth and I use it in a very limited way with my students because I have not had the time to learn more about it. From what I have heard there are many amazing ways to incorporate it into teaching, but there are only so many hours in a day and it has stayed on the backburner for me. So again, the promise of technology hits another roadblock. These are my thoughts and I look forward to your comments.



Bain, A., Alan Bain, & David Smith. (10/01/2000). THE journal : Technological horizons in education: Technology enabling school reform Information Synergy.

Conceptualizing Misconceptions

Although my posting this week has been delayed slightly beyond the target date, I have spent some time thinking on Heather and the responses of the randomly selected students and faculty at Harvard. Although some of Heather’s explanations seems quite “out there” i.e. orbit of the Earth and definition of indirect rays from the sun, I realized that no long ago I would have fit in with the twenty-three incorrect Harvard respondents quite comfortably. I can attest that the only reason I have an understanding of the reason for seasons, moon phases and sun ray activity is because I have homeschooled my own children through the elementary school grades. When teaching them about the seasons and moon phases, an orange with a skewer stuck through it, a ping pong ball and a lamp were brought out to physically model how the sun’s light strikes the earth during its yearly orbit, and the moon during its monthly phases. In Heather’s experience, it would seem that no such modelling experience had been a part of her learning. Surprisingly, even when the science teacher presented learning with a model, the sun didn’t seem to contain a light source, so students didn’t get to physically see the light shining on various sections of the earth and moon spheres. The other day I asked my grade eight daughter, whom I am presently homeschooling, to explain the seasons, the moon phases and the difference between indirect and direct light. She confidently did so, accurately without any prompting. All of these concepts were explored during her mid-elementary home learning years, so I find it intriguing that they have stayed with her – we must have done something right!

The article that I chose to explore this past week is entitled “Children’s Ideas About Weather: A Review of the Literature” (Henriques, 2002) from Social Science and Mathematics. This article reviews literature and studies connected to student misconceptions on topics of weather mainly on the water cycle, properties of water, movement of air, climates versus weather and the greenhouse effect. The Appendices include charts with topics related to weather and scientist perspectives aside student perspectives and potentials reasons for student misconceptions. One of the key purposes of the review is to provide teachers with a comprehensive list of common misconceptions in order to help them plan effectively in how to present their instruction. As well, individualized assessment of student understanding, or lack of understanding, is critical as supported by Driver, Guesne and Tiberghien (1985) – a call for teachers to take into consideration the prior knowledge of students when planning concepts, experience and presentations to include within their lessons. Relating back to Heather, one of her large misconceptions was her figure eight version of the earth’s orbit around the sun. When probed, she said that she must have confused a diagram from another textbook with the diagram of the earth’s orbit. Similarly, in Henriques review, diagrams of the water cycle showing the ocean as the sole source from where water evaporates seemingly led students to believe that water only evaporates from oceans and not from any other water bodies or sources of water i.e. plants on earth. These examples related to misconceptions emphasize the importance of accuracy in visual representations for young students. This is an area in which digital technology can help students visually see or design representations of science concepts through videos and interactive websites.

To close, a comment worth considering that Henriques offers is that often what is considered a “misconception” can actually be an incomplete or limited conception, or simply unknown information (2002). Again, individual assessment and further probing is necessary in order to define what is known and what is unknown, and to help guide future learning. This, I believe, is a key aspect in effective education in all areas, yet is often neglected due to time demands and assumptions. As educators, there is room for improvement.

Driver, R., Guesne, E., & Tiberghien, A.  (1985).  Children’s ideas and the learning of science.  Children’s Ideas in Science (pp. 1-9).  Milton Keynes [Buckinghamshire]; Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Producer).  (1987).  A Private Universe [online video].  Retrieved 6 January, 2017, from:

Henriques, L.  (2002, May). Children’s misconceptions about weather: A review of the literature. Social Science and Mathematics, 102 (5), 202-214.

Enlightening Conversations about Student Conceptions

Dear class,

Your comments and aha moments on Heather in the Private Universe as well as your insights into student learning have been enlightening.  The new readings you identified in your research studies contributed to our understanding of the scope of misconceptions that students hold in science and math. In the literature, student misconceptions are described often as quite reasonable explanations of how children and young adults view their world. These conceptions are also oft referred to as student: alternative conceptions, preconceptions, partial conceptions, hybrid conceptions. The student alternative conceptions that you highlighted are in domains of practice for many of you, and as a class, we can look forward to how you keep these (and the Private Universe) in mind, as our discussions progress. One of the goals of any good graduate program is to foster entry into scholarly discourse, and your citations to the work you read is a characteristic of being able to engage in this type of discussion. This is a good start. I have been commenting on each of your posts individually but also wanted to share how much this forum on student conceptual challenges has gotten many of us thinking about our own personal conceptions and our teaching settings. Weaving together the suggestions by Driver, Posner, Cobb, and Confrey et al. to confront these conceptual challenges begins a course-long process of how we may integrate particular instructional strategies and digital technologies in our teaching to support student learning. By expanding our collective repertoire of possible alternative conceptions, we can inform design decisions as you showed with suggested teaching strategies. There were a number of thoughtful strategies proposed in the posts. I look forward to your continuing to explore the possible conceptual challenges of students in math and science throughout the course.

Thank you,


Unpacking Assumptions

Personally, digital technology in the classroom encompasses many different learning devices and tools that can help promote or facilitate learning in the classroom. This can include a variety of different sources such as the Internet, computer programs, tablet apps, or other forms of physical devices and/or equipment to promote learning. A more digitally immersed classroom could also incorporate other forms of technology to organize lessons and units such as a digital calendar (like Planbook), class website or blog (like Edmodo), or other forms of social media tools (e.g. classroom discussion boards). A classroom can also be simply utilizing technology to convey information through the use of digital projectors or PowerPoint presentations. Regardless of the amount of the digital technology present in any classroom, the purpose behind their usage is of the utmost importance.

As a secondary school teacher in B.C., the effective use of digital technology in the classroom is primarily to support and reinforce concepts currently being learned in the classroom. I utilize the technology available from digital projectors, certain lab equipment, the Internet, and various other means to assist and strengthen classroom material. I also sometimes utilize digital technology to introduce concepts and allow students to explore specific concepts before it has been officially taught. Students have also, on occasion, used websites and other online tools to learn a very specific concept in the class. Through these carefully planned ‘study guides’, students self teach the material without any formal teacher instruction. I feel that I use the technology available effectively to support student learning in my classroom but am largely restricted by what resources are available.

In regards to conceptual challenges in the classroom, digital technology is able to provide an alternate avenue for students to learn from (aside from teacher instruction). These methods allow students to fully interact or better visualize concepts and material that might not otherwise be as well represented. In short, digital technology can be infused into any classroom to any level of degree but in order to be effectively utilized, there needs to be a balance in the intensity of digital technology used with traditional teaching pedagogy. Choosing which advanced technology to use in a classroom environment should be dependant on how it benefits as well as how much it improves students’ learning. In terms of my vision for the imminent future, I would like to see digital technology to be more fully integrated where users understand the costs and benefits of using it as well as the financial challenges to implement it in classrooms.


Hello From Vancouver

Hi Everyone,

My name is Tyler and I’m currently a grade 4 teacher in the Vancouver School Board.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel… this is my last term in the MET program. I think one of the most interesting courses I’ve taken in this program was the Text Technologies course last term. I’m hoping from this course to learn new and engaging ways to combine math and science into my classroom. One of the things I’ve noticed about the MET program, is that many of the courses have focused primarily on theory.  It would be wonderful to discover some more practical takeaway programs and apps to incorporate into my teaching.