Hello From Vancouver!

Hi everyone,

My name is Sean Turner and I’m currently a grade 6/7 teacher at a school in downtown Vancouver. This is my 9th MET course and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! On top of learning the new BC curriculum, I’m also learning the MYP IB program (Middle Years Program, International Baccalaureate). Our school’s grade 6 and 7 classes teach this and I find it fits perfectly with the new BC curriculum.

I love travelling in my spare time. I’ve been lucky enough to have taught at schools in South Africa and the United Arab Emirates. From one extreme to the other.

With this course, I hope to learn about STEM challenges/theories, and more engaging ways of teaching math and science using technology.

I look forward to working with you all!


  1. Hi Sean

    It is nice to see another grade 6/7 teacher! I find that many of those I have met in the program are high school or post-secondary teachers. Are your students, specifically grade 7s, getting the spring fever and struggling to focus?


  2. Hi Sean,

    Congrats on nearing the end of your MET journey! I’m finishing it all off this semester, and I’m really looking forward to graduating in the fall.

    I’m also intrigued by the possibilities that exist regarding STEM, and I’m hoping to learn/work with some practical ideas to apply in the classroom.

    – Allen.

  3. Hi Sean,

    Good job getting this far. Your jobs sound interesting, the ones before and now. How was it like teaching in South African and UAE?

    I look forward to working and learning with you.


  4. Thanks for the intro Sean, and congratulations on almost being done! My school does the IB diploma program in Surrey, which follows very nicely from MYP.

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