Where I’m from

I’m 39 years old as of a couple days ago. One might think my exposure to technology would have come in late high school at the earliest but the truth is its been a part of my life since I can remember.

My father was a doctor but he was obsessed with computers as a hobby and the latest gadget was always in my home. We had the commodore 64, then apple 2E before switching to IBM We had an ISDN line (keep in mind nobody had these for private home use) when I was in Grade 11. We would strip computers and replace parts like it was a car. All fun memories indeed.

Over the years a lot has changed but I think the biggest thing with me is I had a unique upbringing in that we always rolled with the changes. It drove my mother nuts because my dad invested in a lot of stuff the quickly became obsolete and we have some computer junk in my old home that is archaic.

The point is I’ve always been up on technology and that made the changes in education easier for me. Education is a second career for me as I was, and still technically am, a pilot. In that field, I used all kinds of technology and loved it.

My first promotion in Education came as an educational technology coordinator. Essentially it came down to me being very ambitious and wanting to help others. This was seen as useful and it started me down the path toward administration.

Now, as a soon to be Principal, I look for teachers who are open to rolling with changes, offer input, keep an open mind, and use technology to add value to their lessons.

We are in a great time for educational technology and I couldn’t be more excited about the possibilities.


  1. Ryan,

    Thanks for your post and congrats on the new job. Must be very exciting for you! I enjoyed hearing how your father’s interest in technology influenced you and your enjoyment with technology. What fantastic memories.

    I think of the experiences in my home – my parents had no clue about technology (and STILL struggle with their iPads!), and how it influenced my career and hobbies. Hands-on building and tinkering (with electronics but not computers) was something that we did as a family and that I continue to have a love for.

    Those early experiences with our families (and school experiences) are very important and certainly can influence our interests – career and otherwise!

  2. Ryan,

    I liked your comment about teachers using technology to add value to their lessons. I think technology can definitely enhance the teaching and learning process. There are so many options available that making the best selection can be an interesting task. Since not all technologies are created equally, the process of assessing the effectiveness and impact of learning are skills I still grapple with. Thanks for sharing your post, it was an interesting read!

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