Well, Britain’s academic community has once again embarrassed itself. Britain’s lecturers’ union, UCU, (numbering 120 000 members) voted Wednesday in favor of encouraging and discussing an academic boycott on Israeli universities and research institutes. The motion doesn’t impose the boycott on union members yet but rather brings the question of boycotting Israel’s academia […]

AMS meeting, may 30

Posted by: | May 31, 2007 | 8 Comments

Yesterday’s council meeting was a picture of brisk efficiency. A colossally long list of agenda items was faithfully plodded through to general satisfaction, though not fascination. Here’s a summary of the things I didn’t sleep through: U-Boulevard efforts were successful, and monumental, said the president and VP academic. They reviewed the outcome (the plan is […]

The Gossip Column

Posted by: | May 26, 2007 | 5 Comments

Yeah, it’s a degenerate age for journalism. (See Roman Polanski’s recent antics). Not that I’ve ever had “standards”. Yesterday, the university’s greybeards gathered at Norman Mackenzie House (president Toope’s residence) to honour several of this year’s honorary degree recipients. The elegant reception came upon the heel of a long day of taxing hand-shaking for the […]

In an embattled, but clear decision, the UBC board of governors passed final approval of the University Boulevard project’s first phase on Tuesday. Though the faculty, staff, and student representatives were opposed, President Toope remained staunchly in favor of the the phase, which ensures the future of an underground bus terminal on the site of […]

If you’re a new reader and would like some background, refer to a few earlier posts: The AMS and U-boulevard and What’s UBC Properties Trust? (clickies) Yesterday, the Board of Governors’ Property and Planning committee carried a motion to approve the construction of the tunnel that is to lead to the underground bus loop – […]

Aidha Shaikh – GSS councilor, AMS councilor, and Senator – gives us an account of yesterday’s senate meeting. Aidha can be contacted at aidhashaikh[at]gmail[dot]com. Agenda and materials are available HERE. 1: Proposal to extend Mid-Term Break in Term 2 2010 at UBC Vancouver (motion passed)The proposal made was to allow for midterm break to extend […]

Amanda Reaume, editor of Antigone Magazine: this is what a feminist looks like

Posted by: | May 17, 2007 | Comments Off on Amanda Reaume, editor of Antigone Magazine: this is what a feminist looks like

Earlier this week, I sat down with Amanda Reaume, founding editor of WILLA’s Antigone Magazine to talk about feminism and women in politics. Please note that none of Ms. Reaume’s responses are direct quotes – they are all paraphrases. Tell us about yourself. Who are you, what do you do? I just graduated, form English […]

Since these two events happened in the same day, and they’re not too lengthy, posts have been consolidated. The newest AMS committee, struck at the April 4th meeting had its first meeting yesterday. It has fairly broad aims: basically to prepare a framework for future AMS policy on matters of academic quality. That means setting […]

You’ve heard the stereotypes, and dismissed them as unfair, wrong, and outdated: engineers are chauvinistic egoists with iron rings on their pinkies; they’re an old-boys club and Mensa wrapped up into one; they look down upon women. I dismiss these stereotypes also. I know plenty of engineers that are charming, decent, gentle, open individuals. But […]

Executive interview series part III: Sarah Naiman

Posted by: | May 12, 2007 | Comments Off on Executive interview series part III: Sarah Naiman

Listen to me conduct a WHOLE interview with a woman politician without one mention of her hair, boyfriends, shoes, or smile. It’ll be brilliant. Coming up later this week: Engineering’s bizarre shame. Sarah Naiman, the AMS VP admin, and third executive to sit in the hot seat talked about SUB renovations, student life, and club […]

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