So the candidates I know of so far running for AMS president are Blake Frederick, Paul Korczyk, and Alex Monegro. I’m sure many of you will be invited to join their facebook groups soon- I have so far managed to avoid the onslaught, but we’ll see what happens over the next few days. After all, it was the first day of campaigning, so I’m sure things will heat up soon. I regrettably missed the debates, never having actually heard that they were happening (my bad, I suppose, although I don’t know if it speaks to how little advertisement there is of the elections on campus so far), but I will be trying to make it to future debates and actually post what platforms and other such important things are. Although if last year’s election taught us anything, it’s that the number of facebook friends one has may reflect (or at least be correlated to) how well one does in the election. We’ll see. I think correlational analysis might be worthwhile, complete with 95% confidence intervals and all that jazz.

In the meantime, I have googled the candidates, and here’s what I came up with:

Paul Korczyk.
-Apart from having a cool Eastern European last name (for which one does get bonus points from me), he seems to appear on the UBC Faculty & Administrative Directory, and is listed as being in the Department of Housing and Conferences.
-He also appears to play hockey. I would like to see some of his hockey skills in action in the election. Throw in some hockey jargon, and it might make for some entertaining debates.

Alex Monegro.
-From his AMS autobiographical statement, it seems like he’s a business student who does some psychology.
-He chairs the Fundraising and Sponsorship Committee in the AMS.
-I couldn’t find anything else un-AMS related about him. This is sad-making.

Blake Frederick.
-the first google hit mentions him as having been born in Louisiana on May 26, 1978 to Davis and Willie Frede. Me thinks this is the wrong Blake. My search had to be refined.
-Modified hits yielded that he blogs for the UBC Insiders (although not currently, as that would be against some sort of code in some sort of book that none of us read. Except for some, who like to quote it :P
-He has been on Senate. And the BoG. And other positions involving the AMS.

In any case, in the next few weeks I’ll be trying to contact them and get some answers to some questions. So be prepared.

As a side note- have we ever had any female presidents? I seem to recall seeing a photo of AMS presidents, and I was overwhelmed by the fact that they were all white males. Thoughts?


8 Comments so far

  1. Chris on January 17, 2009 10:37 am

    In the past decade or so, Oana Chirila, Kristen Harvey, Maryann Adamec, Vivian Hoffmann have all been women… actually, I’m pretty sure they all still are women.

  2. Bowinn on January 17, 2009 6:43 pm

    Hm. This post was lacking. I am craving more.

  3. Fire Hydrant on January 18, 2009 8:08 am

    Last one I can think of was Amina Rai.

  4. Maria_Jogova on January 18, 2009 8:36 pm

    Cool- I was just curious, as I have no institutional memory :P

  5. Eddie on January 19, 2009 1:48 am

    For those lacking institutional memory, I don’t think that it would have taken much effort to check out the who’s-who regarding women presidents.

    After all, they’re pretty much immortalized on the walls of council chambers. So it’s public knowledge (for those who visit council chambers from time to time, of course).

    Which, I believe, includes SUS councillors, who normally sit there once a week. Which, according to the SUS website, includes the only remaining author of UBC-I.

    (Maayan, where on Earth did you go?)

  6. Emily on January 19, 2009 6:15 am

    Well, it’s a completely valid question, I do not see why people are getting so riled up about it. I see that you got some answers to your question (albeit some of them are extremely rude and snarky). I’d also like to point out that there are probably better things to be doing in council meetings than staring at the walls and counting the number of women who have been AMS presidents.


  7. Alex Lougheed on January 19, 2009 9:26 am

    Keystone is gay. That counts for something, right?

  8. twilightcity on January 22, 2009 6:29 am


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