Important!! Breaking!! News!!

Posted by: | January 19, 2007 | 6 Comments

So we’re trying to liveblog the AMS elections debate. It ain’t working. So we present you with this video of Jeff Friedrich (candidate for President and BoG) snorting a condom up his nose and back out his mouth. Enjoy!

Welcome to Elections Insider

Posted by: | January 18, 2007 | Comments Off on Welcome to Elections Insider

This is a word of welcome to those who are discovering this site for the first time, now that campaigning has started and millions of trees have been axed in noble service of AMS campaign posters. We’re the Elections Insider blog, and we’re committed to spending the next two weeks spreading as much information as […]

Issue of the Day: Elites

Posted by: | January 18, 2007 | 16 Comments

Today was spent talking to people, both in person and online, about the elections. And a couple main themes emerged. One is far more existential, and I need to organize my own thoughts more properly before I can even begin to express them. But the more accessible one is that people perceive the AMS as […]

Update re: Debate tomorrow

Posted by: | January 18, 2007 | 2 Comments

I’ve started to complain about how the debate structure was impossible for candidates to answer questions properly. Tim is talking to the host of the debates in hopes to change the structure. Stay tuned.

Today’s Candidate’s Debate left me with a foul taste in my mouth – it lacked particularity, depth, and informed opinions (and therefore, any possibility for even an hint of a constructive dialogue). To criticize the layout of the debate: giving the candidates 30 seconds to answer a question was simply insufficient, and an attributing factor […]

BoG/AMS Conflicts

Posted by: | January 17, 2007 | 16 Comments

We’ll get to the recaps of the “debate” soon, but I’ve been asked by a few people to comment on the relationship between AMS and BoG representatives, and I intend to do so. I’ve heard it said that the reps on BoG can represent the AMS, because the AMS represents students, and anything in students’ […]

Great News

Posted by: | January 16, 2007 | Comments Off on Great News

The nomination forms for Tariq Ahmed (Senate), Tristan Markle (BoG), and Thomas Masterson (VP External) have all turned up. Now back to the issues! Make sure to read and post to the Issue of the Day post!

Candidate Questionnaire – Joel Koczwarski

Posted by: | January 16, 2007 | Comments Off on Candidate Questionnaire – Joel Koczwarski

1) Why are you running for VP External? I’d really like to affect the way the AMS deals with students, with CASA and CFS, with the province and city as well. I have a strong grasp of the issues at hand and there are areas that can be improved upon and areas that just need […]

Issue of the Day: Policy Motions

Posted by: | January 16, 2007 | 18 Comments

Genocide Awareness Project (GAP)and Pro-Choice students at UBC, March 2005. (photo by Gina) Consider the following: McGill University banned Blood Services from blood drives in their building because they ban men who’ve had sex with men from donating. Carleton passed a policy preventing anti-abortion groups from getting funding. (link) SFU’s student society has an activist […]

Issue of the Day: 24

Posted by: | January 16, 2007 | 6 Comments

Question: How awesome was the premiere of 24?Answer: There is no answer. Its awesomeness is beyond the scale of human comprehension. We’ll have a full post later tonight. But sometimes it’s important to take time out to recognize the truly important issues. Like 24. Bonus: Visit to relive the explosive final scene.

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