Openly abject…

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The $100 laptop!, originally uploaded by MrGluSniffer.

… to be amongst many smart and idealistic peers here at the Hewlett Foundation Open Education Resources grantees meeting. The range of projects represented here is awe-inspiring, and the projects themselves often just plain inspiring.

And there is much to discuss. The event is going now, so I’m not going to do much blogging for the next few hours. If you are curious what’s going on, the talks are being webcast (direct link here). I learned that from Erik Duval’s blog… To no surprise, he has no problem coming up with good summaries and analysis on the fly. My addled brain don’t work that way.

See also Graham Attwell, and Stephen Downes offers some sharp criticisms, some of which have been raised so far today. I’ll try to raise a few as well, so far the Hewlett hosts seem genuinely interested in having a frank and freewheeling discussion.

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...
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3 Responses to Openly abject…

  1. Scott Leslie says:

    Lucky dog. I am trying to watch the video streams right now. Unfortunately, John Seely Brown seems to being accompanied on the vocal track by the chatter in the control booth. Ooops. Have fun, anyways.

  2. Brian says:

    What a drag — it’s a pretty good talk. I just notified the organizers.

  3. Pingback: Join the discussion: can open educators transform teaching and learning?

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