Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Extreme schadenfreude alert

This one is dedicated to my enemies, who are legion. In conjunction with the library talk that is (gulp) tomorrow, I was invited to do a short interview this morning on Vancouver’s Co-op Radio Station. Nice to be asked, though … Continue reading

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Stand on guard for thee

Canada is a richer, more vibrant country today. And no, I’m not referring to yesterday’s election which, while it easily could have been worse, sure as hell could have been a whole lot better. In between meetings downtown this morning … Continue reading

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Tiger Roach – The Case of The Missing Mail

I’ve spent part of the day showing my battered Powerbook some love – added a pile of RAM (huge difference) and installing Tiger. A bunch of my Mail messages from my previous version (all before Jan 16) have gone missing, … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Please respond: blogs and wikis – why, how and who?

I’ll admit it, I’m nervous. Next week I’ll be sharing the podium with Mark Schneider as part of the Vancouver Public Library’s “Changing World of Information” series. The main branch of the VPL is one of my favorite buildings in … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 13 Comments

Hold your applause for Stanford’s iTunes project

There are a lot of people here at UBC who are interested in gathering the disparate voices playing with podcasts and putting together a coordinated campus strategy. I’m hoping to be reporting on a couple of these developments over the … Continue reading

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RipMixLearn is coming into focus…

I don’t have time or headspace to blog these developments properly, but want to get some of it down so I don’t lose it… A while back Alan mused: while the old song RipMixFeed still sounds good, we ought to … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 7 Comments

In full cowardly retreat…

If you’re waiting on stuff from me, please be advised I have spent three of my last four working days involved with a planning retreat process that’s been pretty much my sole focus during that time. As a bit of … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 5 Comments

Technoculture Heavyweights @ UBC this Friday

Friday the 13th will be lucky at UBC this month, as it is the location for a very hot session courtesy of the New Media and Culture Research Network, a public plenary on Literature, Culture, and the Digital Artifact. Arthur … Continue reading

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Getting Things Done — DONE! Cross it off the list.

I showed up for work after holidays and I was already behind. Past two days I’ve worked like a fiend and it’s gotten worse. This can’t go on. Either I learn how to navigate my life choices or I start … Continue reading

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Open soürce beer füels stüdent activism

I get on the bus this morning, and learn from an advert that people need to be reminded to give a “heads up” if they see someone leave something on their seat. The dispiriting part is that I don’t doubt … Continue reading

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