Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Northern Voice Weblog Conference — Deadline Looms

One more week to get your speaker submissions in for Northern Voice. We had a blast last year, and judging from the submissions so far it promises to be another humdinger. You need not step forward to deliver a whole … Continue reading

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The Thunderbird soars

Some very cool, very exciting stuff is happening at UBC’s School of Journalism.  The process is still in its early stages, but if you want to get a sense of where things are headed, check out what’s going on with … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 5 Comments

We now begin our descent…

Unlike D’Arcy and his family, who chose to emphasize the festive, even wholesome appeal of Halloween, way out here our own recognitions took on a darker, uncanny cast, spiraling into a maelstrom of the senses…

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The power of positive narcissism does it again

Checking my referrer stats I was sent to the new (to me) weblog The Open Classroom (great title), which pointed me toward this nugget from the blog of proximal development (another dandy moniker): …it occurred to me that I have … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

Oh, the indignity…

First I write a long-ish posting about my presentation at NERCOMP, and the event itself, and what a brilliant guy Bryan Alexander is, and how much I enjoyed the other speakers, and spice it up with copius details about long … Continue reading

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Get thee behind me, Moose

All I have to do today is justify my continued existence at the University (preparing a detailed, itemized, budgeted account of projects and activities within the next hour or so), host an event featuring guests from the Open Source Learning … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 5 Comments

Timely reviews of multi-user blog tools…

As I mentioned last week, I was surprised by how many EDUCAUSE attendees were at least thinking about launching weblog projects on their campuses. They really should check out James Farmer’s reviews of multi-user blog tools. It does not claim … Continue reading

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I have no integrity, and “Run away! Run away!”

After all my posturing, I ended up going to “Heat Up the Street”. A couple of people who apparently read this blog came up to me and asked: “I thought you said you were too cool for this.” Which I … Continue reading

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Cut the whining

My previous complaints about the weather, the hotel, urban planning, etc… no doubt make me seem like some sort of ingrate. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention some valuable experiences here at EDUCAUSE. Our pre-conference seminar on ePortfolios and … Continue reading

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Weird scenes inside the goldmine…

The exhibit hall has lost none of its power to trigger strong emotional responses from me. You have to move fast to avoid being covered in branded schwag…

Posted in Abject Learning | 3 Comments