Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

The panicky guy takes a breath…

OK, I’ve calmed down a bit since the previous dash of hyperventilating prose. I appreciate the comments from Jon, Gardner, Steve and Dave Sifry (dude moves fast, I doubt I’m in his aggregator)… I probably should have waited before responding … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 8 Comments

Steer well clear of Mr. Bum Steer

A common frustration for me is that in my role as ‘facilitator’ and evangelist of the small pieces approach is that I really don’t have the chops to make serious mojo happen on my own — I have always depended … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 12 Comments

Open Education Hootenanny In Effect

For the next few days I’m going to be crashing the Open Education Conference here in Logan, Utah. This is the third sharable content event in roughly as many years here for me… and the way that it has evolved … Continue reading

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Hey let’s party™!!! We’ll have fun®!!! (Use of the word “fun” is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of GloboCorp Intl. Corporation)

I just received the following email invitation for a conference I am attending next month. The text (and symbols too — hope they render in your browser/reader) reads: Don’t miss Heat Up the Street, a sizzlin’ EDUCAUSE street party at … Continue reading

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“…permissions, paperwork, and other sordid details.”

I was happy to see that UbuWeb, perhaps the single most awe-inspiring repository of avant-garde artifacts anywhere on the web, has relaunched after a summer of rebuilding. I’m looking forward to diving into some of the Glenn Gould radio broadcasts … Continue reading

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A moose, loose…

That’s right, another two-fisted episode of Northern Voice is in production. The first go-round was a blast, and I couldn’t be happier to be working again with the organizers. We’ll be doing it at UBC Robson Square, in downtown Vancouver, … Continue reading

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What I’m banging on…

The picture above represents the “to-do” lists for a couple of courses that we are supporting this semester. (Thankfully in both cases, most of these to-do’s are ta-done.) In each case, we are setting up weblogs for each student, as … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

It’s Showtime!

Today is the first day of the fall term at UBC, I suppose it is all over. The shift from a sleepy, near-empty summertime campus to one now overrun by the onrushing hordes is always something of a shock to … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 10 Comments

I can’t believe I haven’t heard this question before

Comparing and contrasting how much more effectively CNN harnesses the efforts of citizen journalists than educators do, Alan Levine asks: “Is there an equivalent of Citizen Teaching?” Just how novel that question seems is almost shocking to me. Along those … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 4 Comments

“Who knows, perhaps this could become a party game.”

I’ve been letting a lot of noteworthy stuff slide this week, but this post on gaming by Bryan Alexander is too juicy to pass up. He’s roused to indignation by a dismissive essay by Christine Rosen in the New Atlantis, … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence | 2 Comments