Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Donde estas Bandido Rojo?

Imagine my surprise when I had finally finished up the arduous and death-defying task of getting the boy ready for daycare, herded him out the door, and Bandido Rojo… was… not there. A confirmation call later, there really was no … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Maximum Information Overdrive

Info Originally uploaded by courtneyp. Among the things I’ve been brooding over lately is the notion of information overload… It’s one of those tricky concepts that most people intuitively understand on some sort of common sense level, and it’s widely … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 3 Comments

Why we’re (probably) sticking with our (non-optimal) weblog system (for now)

…waiting for MovableType to rebuild 800 posts is but one more reason to wake up and join the WP crowd (yes I will James, no need to spur me on, it’s a matter of time). MT is like, so…. 2002. … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 8 Comments

Abject Mashup

Today this weblog was on the receiving end of a mashup. The resulting text is more coherent and lucid than the source material: My presentation on wikis required me to make it easy and fun to get to the remarkably … Continue reading

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Remind me to hand my lab report in on time…

Here’s a Biology Professor that can generate some seriously intense vibes — in this case directed at the poor sap who stole his laptop during a previous class. “I’m the only hope you’ve got of staying out of deeper trouble … Continue reading

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Disposable thinking? Tangled in the metaphors

Maybe I was feeling a little buzzed by the subject matter of my previous post, or maybe I was just feeling info-logged, but whatever it was about forty-five minutes ago I could tell that my brain was not operating properly. … Continue reading

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Sleep is for slackers… join the ‘competitive waking’ brigades (or else)

Co-worker asleep Originally uploaded by ldandersen. After struggling to drag my sleepy self onto the bus to work this morning, my daily paper greeted me with a headline admonishing that If you slept till 5:30 this morning, you slept in. … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 1 Comment

Students on blogging: “I’m so freakin’ curious about this, y’know?”

Will Richardson posts and links to a host of student reactions to blogging in the curriculum. As Bud the Teacher suggests, “Wouldn’t it be terrible if the decisions about blog use in classrooms were all made for students, instead of … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Is this the future of print?

I snagged a copy of The Atlantic at the airport before the flight back to Vancouver. Normally I would not be so optimistic to expect reading time sitting next to my toddler, but the cover story was an eye-grabber: a … Continue reading

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Yeah, I’m back, but…

… am still working through my backlog of email and hanging tasks that either sprung up or lingered in my absence. Suffice it to say that the trip went as well as could be expected: no disasters, health problems, lost … Continue reading

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