Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

The sun also shines, and impending disappearance

I just completed my day-long workshop Learning objects, wikis, and other curious things at Maricopa College in Arizona, which some of you will recognise as the home territory of Alan Levine. Coming to Mr. Levine’s turf to hold forth on … Continue reading

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What’s the deal with ResourceFolder8?

Thanks to the miraculous spam-cleaning bot, WikiSpam is effortlessly swept from our public site at regular intervals. The fact that scumsucking spammers cannot keep their links up for more than an hour or two has not dissuaded them. Indeed, I … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 3 Comments

Far more disjointed than usual. It’s yet another cry for help…

Oh my, it’s been a while since I blogged, hasn’t it? There’s a substantial backlog of post-worthy items that have accumulated over the past week or so… but that is not why I’m finally hauling off on the keyboard right … Continue reading

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Let those wikis roll, 10-4 — It’s an open edit convoy!!!!!!

I’ve been too quiet about the many hot-shot 18 wheeler WikiRigs I’ve been seeing on the highway. I’m not talking horsepower, though Jotspot and Wikka (or is that Wakka) look like hard driving diesel engines that can turn on a … Continue reading

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Kompakt Kittens

Spin your minimalist grooves via this intuitive, feline-based interface. Via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog, which recently pointed me to this amazing site that links bands to each other by common members. Ever wondered how many degrees of separation between … Continue reading

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The usual, mind-expanding stuff… refracted through a shallow pool

I don’t link to Gardner Campbell nearly often enough. What usually happens is that he raises issues in his posts (or over a number of posts) that demand more engagement than my usual glib pose allows. I risk revealing my … Continue reading

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Diversity of Voices

Roland makes a similar point to one that was made by Suzanna — that the Northern Voice weblog conference would have benefited from a more diverse roster of presenters and panelists. I can say that this concern was discussed by … Continue reading

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I get it from an extremely reliable source that the technical infrastructure beneath the fair dominion of CogDogBloggia has suffered a serious blow. It may be 24 hours or more until we are able to read Alan’s wit and wisdom … Continue reading


An international entry in the MultiUserWeblog sweepstakes?

I’ve been following the efforts of James and D’Arcy to assess mutli-user blogging systems with great interest. It’s been clear for some time that our existing weblog project needs to go to the next level if we are to sustain … Continue reading

Posted in News, tech/tools/standards, Textuality, Webloggia | Tagged | 2 Comments

Eternal clutter of a diseased mind

I never did write a summary of the weblog conference. In part that’s because it was such a blast on so many levels, and such a frenetic burst of activity, that I am simply overwhelmed at the thought of trying … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 3 Comments