Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

What kind of social software are you?

My results on this test should surprise nobody who knows me. “Junk pile of content”, “many blank pages”… it’s as if they have an RSS feed tapped into my frontal lobe.

Posted in Abject Learning | 4 Comments

Adventures In Wikiland

It’s my pleasure tomorrow to host a roundtable discussion on wikis as part of the Educational Technology Users Group fall workshop in Richmond. As usual, I’m nowhere near as prepared as Scott is… He’s also hosting a table, and put … Continue reading

Posted in wikis | 1 Comment

Open-Source Learning Content Management System based on Learning Design Spec

Where’s Scott Leslie when you need him? While making random Google passes, Michelle discovered this open source LCMS built in java: PhiTone.LCMS is a Java-based Open-Source Learning Content Management System (LCMS). It is an implementation of the Learning Design Specification. … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 1 Comment

Librarians are the freakin’ coolest!

This morning I had the pleasure of giving a fairly standard overview of weblogs and RSS to a group of librarians. Nice sized group, and the response was gratifying… This is the second time I’ve addressed members of the profession … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 5 Comments

Internet Librarian Conference Blogged

Weblog postings from theInternet Librarian 2003 Conference have been collected.

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Why you shouldn’t use learning objects, and why you should

I try to submit a monthly piece for a newsletter here at UBC. It’s a useful exercise for me to write through my work with a broader audience in mind, and I’m grateful for the forum — but man, it … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning, Administrivia, Objects, tech/tools/standards | Tagged | 4 Comments

RSS Reality Check

From the fine weblog Library Stuff, on my home and native land: Free health care, legalized gay marriages, and RSS in the government. Such a forward thinking country. Not to seem unpatriotic… but universal health care gets less and less … Continue reading

Posted in XML/RSS | 1 Comment

It’s slowly coming together…

As I’ve previously noted in this space, it finally seems as if a substantial quantity of learning objects are now available to instructors. And though the existing collections have never looked so good, I am still not able to point … Continue reading

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Blogshop North

[Given the sporadic posting schedule here, it’s doubtful that anybody noticed… but I apologise for the technical difficulties last week.] Last Wednesday was my first delivery of Blogshop @ UBC. My sincere thanks to my co-facillitator Jim Sibley, and to … Continue reading

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Blogtalk now has a permanent home…

A few weeks back it was my privilege to take part in British Columbia’s Educational Technology Users Group’s recent Blogtalk conference. Scott Leslie, the mastermind behind the mighty EdTechPost invited myself and a handful of BC blogger-types to lead an … Continue reading

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