Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Ryan Eby: Trackback, Pingback, and LOR’s

An impressive, and apparently new site from Ryan Eby, with a thoughtful suggestion: Phil has an interesting post on the differences between trackback and pingback. I agree with his comments on when trackback and pingback are relevant. I think this … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence, Objects, Webloggia, XML/RSS | 1 Comment

Ryan Eby: Trackback, Pingback, and LOR’s

An impressive, and apparently new site from Ryan Eby, with a thoughtful suggestion: Phil has an interesting post on the differences between trackback and pingback. I agree with his comments on when trackback and pingback are relevant. I think this … Continue reading

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Contrary thought of the day:

7 Habits of an AntiBlogger from Internet Alchemy: * Think before posting * Write for tomorrow * Google is a means not an end * Traffic isn’t everything * Write clean, valid markup * Add value, not links * Memes … Continue reading

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Movable Type to offer hosting…

Not knowing anything about cgi-bin scripts, I needed David’s help to get started with Movable Type. Soon, technomorons such as myself will have an alternative to pestering their friends for assistance… “TypePad is an upcoming hosted service providing powerful tools … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

Fotolog — it’s too easy…

Just one example of how lame a Fotolog can be … there’s gotta be a catch. I checked out Fotolog based on a recommendation from Marc’s Voice: Think of an identity browsing system like Ryze, but it’s about your photos … Continue reading

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Fotolog — it’s too easy…

Just one example of how lame a Fotolog can be … there’s gotta be a catch. I checked out Fotolog based on a recommendation from Marc’s Voice: Think of an identity browsing system like Ryze, but it’s about your photos … Continue reading

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Fischli and Weiss flack Hondas?

I’m a great admirer of Fischli and Weiss’s 1987 The Way Things Go, and thereby got a kick out of this Honda Ad (Flash 6 required) — once I got over my discomfort about the whole co-optation thing. (Here’s hoping … Continue reading

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Blogs! Dogs!

online labs Alan Levine has moved his hub of online activities to a new weblog, cogdogblog, which is my nominee for best Ed Tech weblog title going… (the explanation in the title graphic). As you may know, Alan’s been throwing … Continue reading

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Do you have a metadata repository with a SOAP layer?

Or know of one? If so, please email me: We’d like to do some testing.

Posted in Objects | 3 Comments

“A Beginners Guide to Joining the Instructional Technology Blog Scene” — Part II (Electric Boogaloo)

David Wiley has posted an excellent primer for anyone in this field who has been watching the EduBloggers and who would like to get in on the action. David’s piece covers most of the necessary bases, and he even provides … Continue reading

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