Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Uninformed commentary is the best kind, no?

Caravaggio’s Guitar Hero, originally uploaded by Roberto Rizzato ►pix jockey◄. So in the course of a talk hosted today by UBC’s Center for Cross-Functional Inquiry in Education, Dr. Suzanne de Castell made a brief aside referencing an article (it might … Continue reading

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Finally, music scholarship gets serious

I’m coming late to this, but I got a big kick out “In search of the click track“, a recent post on the new-ish blog Music Machinery. By analyzing slight variations in tempo via charts, it seems fairly straight-forward to … Continue reading

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RiP: A Remix Manifesto…first impressions

Thanks to Jason for scoring me a ticket to the sold-out preview showing of RiP: A Remix Manifesto, the long-awaited release from Brett Gaylor, germinating and mutating for some time over at It was a fun and stimulating night … Continue reading

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The EduGlu Turntablism, Mark II

The EduGlu Turntablism, Mark II, originally uploaded by WFMU. A short follow-up to my post yesterday on the WFMU Fundraising Marathon (which just may be the finest thing I have ever written)… I am pleased to report that for a … Continue reading

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I want to support the human sensemakers

The Best Show on WFMU – 2009 Marathon, originally uploaded by notladj. So it’s something of an annual ritual (see here and here) for Abject Learning to offer its meagre but heartfelt mojo to the WFMU Fundraising Marathon (background here). … Continue reading

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Cute animated kitty and Ivan Illich

Every night Pinky tries to get some sleep, only to be kept awake by a bizarre school building slideshow. The Pinky Show presents Scary School Nightmare Thanks to Draggin for the pointer to this and some other goodness I will … Continue reading

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Northern Voice 2009 Snapshots – From ‘Ahoy’ to ‘Awesome!’

It happens every year. Once again I find myself at a loss when trying to make sense of the just-completed Northern Voice. I am not capable of pulling together a comprehensive summary, so allow me to toss out a few … Continue reading

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We have liftoff

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“Millions live, millions die. This goes on for a long time.”

Now… this is what I call kick-ass blogging.

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Tales of openness and serendipity: a full throated cry for help…

Spontaneous Connections, originally uploaded by cogdogblog. I’m finishing off a short paper, but before I submit it I feel I need to incorporate some additional real-world examples that demonstrate how the power of openness combined with network effects can result … Continue reading

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