Category Archives: Uncategorized

I have no integrity, and “Run away! Run away!”

After all my posturing, I ended up going to “Heat Up the Street”. A couple of people who apparently read this blog came up to me and asked: “I thought you said you were too cool for this.” Which I … Continue reading

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My big fat lousy screencast — Beyond the Blog

Since I had promised a truly absurd amount of content to a wide array of worthy organizations, I had no choice but to add another commitment — preferably one for which I needed to learn a new medium and a … Continue reading

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Open Education Wrap-up

As usual I was MIA as a conference weblogger, and already I feel compelled to turn my attention to the mounting piles of tasks spilling over all over my desktop. So please forgive the mess — it’s late, I’m torn … Continue reading

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It’s Showtime!

Today is the first day of the fall term at UBC, I suppose it is all over. The shift from a sleepy, near-empty summertime campus to one now overrun by the onrushing hordes is always something of a shock to … Continue reading

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A learning object repository in motion (feeling a little bit aggRSSive)

Update: I meant to hold off posting the link until I added more feeds to the collection and polished a couple things. I also hope to point out more features which we need to make easier to find. But I’m … Continue reading

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On the question of ads in RSS feeds

<a title=”CogDogBlog

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(Not really) trying to curb my antagonism

I’ve never been much of a U2 fan. Oh, I suppose I liked the War album back when it came out (oh man, that was more than twenty years ago — I’m nearly as ancient as they are!), at least … Continue reading

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Students on blogging: “I’m so freakin’ curious about this, y’know?”

Will Richardson posts and links to a host of student reactions to blogging in the curriculum. As Bud the Teacher suggests, “Wouldn’t it be terrible if the decisions about blog use in classrooms were all made for students, instead of … Continue reading

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Yeah, I’m back, but…

… am still working through my backlog of email and hanging tasks that either sprung up or lingered in my absence. Suffice it to say that the trip went as well as could be expected: no disasters, health problems, lost … Continue reading

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The sun also shines, and impending disappearance

I just completed my day-long workshop Learning objects, wikis, and other curious things at Maricopa College in Arizona, which some of you will recognise as the home territory of Alan Levine. Coming to Mr. Levine’s turf to hold forth on … Continue reading

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