Category Archives: Webloggia

Reality check on organizational weblogging…

I recently linked to an inane set of criticisms on weblogging from the BBC. I like this piece from the Guardian better… Long after the term “weblog” is forgotten, the impact of what the word means will live on. Being … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Freakout Party Zone in Effect, and the word is out on a CMS Paper

Well, as usual, Scott has beat me to the punch on a new resource. Normally, there’s no great shame in that, but in this case it’s a bit embarrassing. First off, my colleague (OK, she’s my boss), UBC’s Director of … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

I’ve never been much of a diary keeper (unlike my Father who was methodical about keeping a journal and eventually published the diaries he kept while Canada’s High Commissioner to London).

Apparently trying to channel some of that Howard Dean politico-blog mojo, now our Canadian Prime-Minister-in-Waiting (for about ten years now) has a blog, too. PM-to-be Paul Martin offers befuddled newbies a definition of the blog: No, it

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Weblogs: Beyond the Hype

I’m writing a short introductory piece on weblogs for a general UBC audience, and as usual I find it nearly impossible to cover all the pertinent material in a short space, without descending into jargon. I also harbour the not-exactly-hidden … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 2 Comments

(Weblogs and) The Mass Amateurisation of (Nearly) Everything…

Tom Coates of Plastic Bag, with a piece that contextualizes weblogs within a broader set of developments … suggesting that the real effect is that users have a new power to create, manipulate and distribute media: Technically, weblogs are trivial … Continue reading

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All over for blogs?

It seemed to me that the number of useless postings and blog entries was starting to increase and there was less and less there that was really of interest. This could be the sign of a worrying phenomenon. Perhaps the … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

Finally, someone sees the real me…

Just was alerted to this comment, from “”. It’s worth quoting in its entirety: you suck It was quite a controversial post, so I can understand the depths of this reader’s fury. Feedback is always appreciated.

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

BEER! (Or MERLOT, pick your poison)

There are a few webloggers attending the MERLOT conference that I haven’t met before… I’d love to be able to put some faces to the people I’ve been reading. Wanna go for a beer? (Coffee is an acceptable non-alcoholic alternative, … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 5 Comments

Gulping Goblets of MERLOT

Things are cranking up for this week’s MERLOT conference. My own travel arrangements are simple, given that the conference is being held here in Vancouver. In fact, the commute will be shorter this week. It’s my privilege to be co-presenting … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia, Emergence, Webloggia, XML/RSS | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Eureka Moment

Welcome to those of you who’ve arrived here via a link from Paul Stacey’s latest column. Most of us with an interest in weblogs, RSS and nearby environs have experienced a “Eureka moment” (or several) similar to what Stacey describes: … Continue reading

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