Category Archives: Webloggia

Blogs and wikis in a university writing course…

“Because new tools create new ways of understanding” Intriguing online writing course using weblogs and wikis from Minnesota’s Bemidji State University. The way it’s structured looks especially smart. Via EdTechPost

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hypertext/hypermedia/literary weblogs

A colleague here at UBC asked me to assemble a short list of “interesting, inventive and creative weblogs”, particularly ones that “focus on hypertext/hypermedia/literary issues.” I only had a bit of time, during which I compiled the selection below. I … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia, Emergence, Webloggia | 6 Comments

The Eater of Meaning

Fun with The Eater of Meaning. My weblog title and blurb spit back out as: Objected Leaks Reuniting meddler, webs, andrews lotus of fuzziness stunts nearby… I like what it does to the weblogs on my blogroll. If you are … Continue reading

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A free access, online, peer-reviewed, instructional technology journal??

I assume that most people who read this weblog also read David Wiley’s autounfocus — and do so before checking out my own untidy little corner of the web. But in the interests of spreading the word on a promising … Continue reading

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Blogs and Wikis: Environments for On-line Collaboration

This article from the journal Language and Learning Technology looks at blogs and wikis specifically from the perspective of language learning, though its key points are fairly universal. The abstract: Language professionals have embraced the world of collaborative opportunities the … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

Learning Object Bard of the Blogosphere

Some may say that reading your own referral logs reveals passive egomania lurking in the dark heart of the weblogger. But had I never checked the list of referrers to this site I would never have discovered openobjects: constructing learning … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

Ryan Eby: Trackback, Pingback, and LOR’s

An impressive, and apparently new site from Ryan Eby, with a thoughtful suggestion: Phil has an interesting post on the differences between trackback and pingback. I agree with his comments on when trackback and pingback are relevant. I think this … Continue reading

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Ryan Eby: Trackback, Pingback, and LOR’s

An impressive, and apparently new site from Ryan Eby, with a thoughtful suggestion: Phil has an interesting post on the differences between trackback and pingback. I agree with his comments on when trackback and pingback are relevant. I think this … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence, Objects, Webloggia, XML/RSS | 1 Comment

Contrary thought of the day:

7 Habits of an AntiBlogger from Internet Alchemy: * Think before posting * Write for tomorrow * Google is a means not an end * Traffic isn’t everything * Write clean, valid markup * Add value, not links * Memes … Continue reading

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Movable Type to offer hosting…

Not knowing anything about cgi-bin scripts, I needed David’s help to get started with Movable Type. Soon, technomorons such as myself will have an alternative to pestering their friends for assistance… “TypePad is an upcoming hosted service providing powerful tools … Continue reading

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