Category Archives: XML/RSS

Web Services for Bloggers, and a Directory…

Technorati is a nifty metablog engine, watching more than 160,000 weblogs, updated every fifteen minutes. It’s essentially a complement to MIT’s Blogdex engine — an excellent way to find like-minded webloggers (by searching for those who linked to a given … Continue reading

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Towards Structured Blogging

Another novel idea from S

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Searching the BlogSphere

A quote from the article by Micah Alpern: Until the semantic web arrives the best method we have to understand a users point of view is to examine the RSS feeds they subscribe to. I currently read RSS feeds from … Continue reading

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Weblog as developer’s tool and feedback mechanism…

I came across CAREO programmer D’Arcy Norman’s weblog a couple weeks ago. UBC is in the process of installing an instance of the repository, and it’s fascinating to watch how features that get mentioned in conference calls (such as the … Continue reading

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Weblogs in BC’s Post-Secondary Education Community (?)

I enjoyed getting to know Scott Leslie from C2T2 at last week’s meetings… he seems to be wrestling with a lot of the same issues that I am, and is excited by many of the same possibilities. Even better, he … Continue reading

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Wow! RSS and Learning Objects dressed casual

I’ve been pe y mode when we stumble upon a tool that solves some of our problems and can too easily waste our energies championing a tool at the expense of an ideal, be it Blogging, SharePoint, WebCT, or whatever. … Continue reading

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The battle is engaged…

It took a while for me to figure out why my stylesheet changes weren’t rendering… now they are — and man, are they ugly. The tide is turning. I shall prevail. UPDATE: Victory is mine! It’s still ugly, but it’s … Continue reading

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