I have the great privilege of speaking at two fantastic student-driven conferences this month. Check out the websites and mark your calendars!
First, on Saturday October 15 in the new sustainable CIRS buiding, is ICE 2011: the Interuniversity Conference on Education. The focus is on innovations in education, and I’ll be speaking about how I’ve approached the question “Why should any student care about my class?” Check out the agenda and my talk abstract here. Everyone is welcome, and registration is free!
Second, on Monday October 24, is the kick-off to CLASS: Conference on Learning and Academic Student Success. This year it’s a full week of workshops and speakers geared toward helping first year and otherwise new-to-UBC students transition to life at UBC-V. I’ll be speaking about “What I’ve Learned that has Changed my Life” at the opening ceremony. I met with organizing team members Julie and Bowen this morning for a brief interview. Check it out on the CLASS website or a direct link to Youtube here.
Exciting times! Hope to see you there!
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