About Us

About the Project

This Flexible Learning project is funded through the UBC’s Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF). The goal of this project is to provide a world-class entrepreneurship flexible learning platform for use UBC wide in the undergraduate, graduate, and non-credit courses and programs. This project is intended to support cohort and self-paced company start-up processes and to provide validated & curated content/learning resources on different concepts/contexts of entrepreneurial learning.

From this entrepreneurial learning platform, you will find a series of videos embedded into topic-based modules, various activities that will help you hone and apply your knowledge for implementation, recommended readings and resources, and tips and hints that are useful for real-life experiences.


We are continuously improving platform, and we’d love to collect feedback from you. Specifically, we’d like to know:

  1. How you are using this platform. In what context?
  2. If you have any feedback on the content and how to improve this platform.
  3. If you have encountered any issues while using this platform (i.e. broken links, video playback, etc.).

Please email ubcventuretraining@gmail.com with your feedback.

Development Team

Paul Cubbon

Paul Cubbon, Project PI, Leader of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group

Paul is a full-time faculty member of the Marketing and Behavioural Science Division at the Sauder School of Business at UBC. He leads the Entrepreneurship Group, in the undergraduate and graduate programs, teaching actively in both of these. Paul is a multiple award winning educator, both for innovative design of learning experiences, and consistent high quality and was awarded the Sauder School of Business, UBC “Talking Stick” for pedagogical innovation and the 2015/2016 Killam Teaching Award. Paul has been a strong supporter of Flexible Learning and has “flipped” a number of courses, enabling him to maximize student engagement and increase opportunities for active learning in class.

Blair Simonite

Blair Simonite, Subject Matter Expert, Program Director, e@UBC Programs

Blair Simonite teaches entrepreneurship and innovation at the Sauder School of Business and is Program Director of Entrepreneurship@UBC, a university-wide initiative that helps UBC entrepreneurs build successful new ventures. Blair has more than 30 years of experience in the technology industry, spanning startups to multi-nationals. Prior to joining UBC he was COO/CFO for Recombo Inc., a cloud software firm that provides customer onboarding solutions to the financial services sector, and for ACL Services Ltd., the global leader in audit-analytics software. His career includes senior management and engineering positions with multinational companies Duke Energy, Cerberus Pyrotronics, and Honeywell.

Blair serves on the Board of Directors of clean-tech company dPoint Technologies, and on the Board of Governors of Capilano University. He has had many years of involvement with BC Social Venture Partners, an organization that funds and provides business mentorship to not-for-profit organizations with innovative and sustainable approaches to social issues. Blair holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Business Administration degree from Simon Fraser University, and is a registered Professional Engineer.

Andrea Lloyd

Andrea Lloyd, Subject Matter Expert, Program Manager, e@UBC Programs

Sunah Cho

Sunah Cho, Project Manager, Flexible Learning Liaison

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