Making Connections and Reflections

This course has been one of the most difficult and busiest for me thus far in my MET experience, and yet one of the most enjoyable as well. The birth of my son (almost a month early!) threw things out of place for a while and I am still trying to get myself into a routine.

I have enjoyed all of the readings though i must admit that early in the course I found a few of the readings a little dry. Looking back now over the entire course I certainly see the connections made to the earlier readings and I find myself going back to re-read some of them. For some of the additional readings, since I have not had the time to read them all, I have bookmarked the ones that I could and will return to them over the Christmas break.

Language and literacy has always been an interest for me and I have always enjoyed teaching literacy in the classroom. With digital literacies, I have increased my knowledge and understanding through this course and that can only mean positive things for my students!

I want to thank all of my course mates for their patience and understanding when I tapered off at the end of the course as I was spending more time with my family. And I wish to thank Jeff for the support and encouragement to continue with the course when I felt a little more than overwhelmed! Thanks Jeff.


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