
For my research paper I was hoping to create my first video essay, but time and nerves got the best of me. This Rip.Mix.Feed assignment was a great chance to play around and learn to create a short video.  I decided to test out ‘One True Media’ and create a montage of my trip to Japan. I also played around with ‘Spell with flickr’ and have added it to this post. Please enjoy!

Yellow Capital Letter J (Washington, DC) letter O letter U R letter N letter E Peeling Y (Silver Spring, MD)
pink tag letter T o
letter A P letter A N

My Montage of Japan

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1 Response to Rip.Mix.Feed

  1. lesliedawes says:

    I really enjoyed viewing your photos from Japan. It is really amazing to put words and music to images that we can do ourself. It is in a way remediation of print. Nicely done.

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