Monthly Archives: November 2012

A New Era of the Interactive Student: Textbooks, Tools and Technology

Critical Issues: The invention of the printing press played a major role in the way humans gather and understand information. It continues to impact the literate world today but with a slight change, the onset of digital technology. The growth … Continue reading

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Embrace the Change

Michael Wesch (2008) sheds light on the reality of students and classes in the post-secondary setting in “A Vision of Students Today”. After having selected a portion of the students he taught, Wesch (2008) asked them to share their thoughts … Continue reading

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Preservation Practices in the Digital Age

Introduction Every new communication tool changes the way information is created, delivered, and consumed (Bolter, Postman). It also alters the means and methods by which our cultural identities are preserved. Advances in digital technologies have created a blurring between author … Continue reading

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Using Multiliteracies in the Classroom

In Web 2.0 and Emergent Multiliteracies, Bryan Alexander (2008) discusses the use of Web 2.0 tools in classrooms in order to meet the needs of today’s digital native students. One of the digital strategies he looks at is social software … Continue reading

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For the Rip.Mix.Feed activity, I decided to try something new out. I have been collecting ideas and articles from the web for the past couple of years. I have them saved in my Delicious, Pinterest, Twitter accounts and in my school Facebook account … Continue reading

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Digital Literacy and Digital Natives

In our current information age, the sheer amount of data presented to viewers in digital space is simply overwhelming. Although digital natives successfully integrate themselves with new technologies, digital immigrants must continue to adapt to a new environment of literacy. … Continue reading

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Digital Literacy: The Need to Prepare Students for the 21st Century Workplace

Dobson & Willinsky (2009) noted that the “digital aspect of literacy, invisible to the naked eye, is the very current that drives the global information economy” (p. 1).  The need for a digitally literate population is critical if Canada is … Continue reading

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Digital Literacy: Applying a Fluid Definition

In their chapter titled Digital Literacy, Dobson and Willinsky (2009) present and analyze the development of digital literacy in a chronological manner.  They begin with the use of the personal computer and word processors in the 1980s and end with … Continue reading

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The E-Volution of Literacy Pedagogy

Introduction The acquisition of literacy skills has been fundamental for several generations now in order to improve quality of life and work (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009).  The influences of electronic writing, hypertext and hypermedia have contributed to create many new … Continue reading

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Digital Immigrant Instructors: Not Obsolete Just Yet

Introduction As early as 1962, Englebart (1963) pondered how learning (and by implication, education) might change if knowledge could be easily accessed and associative learning made possible. Though these concepts are now ubiquitous we continue to consider the same issue … Continue reading

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