Author Archives: han-qi-wang

For Health Care Professionals: Cannabis (marihuana, marijuana) and the cannabinoids

What you will find here: Cannabis information for health care professions from the Government of Canada.

For health care professionals: Cannabis and cannabinoids –

(PDF Version – 2,236 K) Dried or fresh plant and oil for administration by ingestion or other means Psychoactive agent This document has been prepared by the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Branch at Health Canada to provide information on the use of cannabis (marihuana) and cannabinoids for medical purposes.

Get Cannabis Clarity

What you will find here: Non-medical cannabis is now legal in Canada. Here, you’ll find information on the laws and regulations that will help keep the people and communities of British Columbia safe.

Get Cannabis Clarity

Non-medical cannabis is now legal in Canada. Here, you’ll find information on the laws and regulations that will help keep the people and communities of British Columbia safe.

Cannabis – Overview for Pharmacists

What you will find here: Guest post on cannabis from the BC Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC).

Guest Post: Cannabis – An Overview for Pharmacists from the BC Drug and Poison Information Centre

Pharmacists play an important role in supporting patients in making informed choices about their care. This means that pharmacists can have a role in counselling patients related to cannabis use, including drug interactions, management of side effects, potential addictive behaviours and contraindications.

Government of Canada: Cannabis

What you will find here: Resource about cannabis, process of legalization, health effects, addiction, medical use, applying for industry licenses, consumer information, market data, travelling with cannabis, talk about cannabis, cannabis research.


About cannabis legalization, health effects, addiction, medical use, industry licenses, consumer information, market data, travelling with cannabis, talk about cannabis, research.