In the months before moving in, you’re dying to see what your new room looks like. I know that feel. So, here’s a picture of a typical first-year dorm room:

This is a single room in Totem Park. Large singles, doubles, and rooms with connecting bathrooms will looks a little different.
Also, I made a video of a tour of my room last year after I moved in for my friends at home to see, so you can check that out as well:
(Please forgive my terrible vlogging skills in this video, it was my first one.)
What house at Totem Park were you in (if you don’t mind me asking)? I know that the newer rooms look different from the ones in the older buildings and since I’ll be in one of the older buildings (Dene), I was wondering whether I can expect my single room to look like this. Thanks! :)
Lucky you, I was also in Dene! So if you have a regular single it’ll look pretty much like this :) Also I happen to know that the very fabulous Totem Park Residence Association President is going to be living in your building!
Hello, I got a single and Vanier, Ross House… Would it kinda look like this?
Cassie: I’ve never actually been inside a Vanier room, so I can’t be sure, but I would imagine it would be pretty similar.
Hey Samantha, I love your blog, very informative.
I got my addmission offer at UBC and I’ve been reluctant whether to accept it or not, because of the sexual assaults, it’s been stressing me out a bit.
how often do you have late classes? or how late can they be?
Hi Lena,
Personally, I have a class that ends at 9pm once a week, and occasionally a rehearsal will end at 6 or 7 pm. That being said, you get to create your own schedule and you don’t have to pick anything that goes that late. UBC has also been taking a lot of action to make campus safer; there is a shuttle bus that drives around campus every 15 minutes so you don’t have to walk to your residence, and if you do have to walk you can call the Safewalk peer program who will come and walk with you to wherever you need to go on campus. To the best of my knowledge Safewalk runs from 9pm to 2am. If Safewalk is closed, you can also call Campus Security. There are also blue poles located around campus on which you can press a button and you will be put in immediate contact with Campus Security. Personally, I have never had an issue with safety on campus, and I hope this has helped a bit. Best of luck deciding!
Thank you so much for all of your helpful posts!
I was just wondering whether you could take down the corkboard on the bed wall or not?
Thank you!
Katarina: No, I’m pretty sure you can’t.