Tag Archives: club

Official Knitting and Sewing Club

In case there is anyone wanting to join a knitting or sewing club at UBC, there is now an official AMS Club!  My friends Natasha, Kim, and Christie started it up along with the other exec memebers, Anaïk and Angel. (I’m sort of an unofficial exec :P)

Visit the website at: http://knittingsewingatubc.blogspot.ca.

Email: knittingsewingclub@gmail.com

Come visit the table in the SUB during Clubs Days!

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Filed under Campus Life

Knitting Club

Those of you who follow my blog know that I have a tendency to get homesick – I still do, and I’ll admit it.  Don’t get me wrong; I love UBC.  I love the atmosphere, my professors, what I’m learning, all the opportunities that are opening up to me.  But up til now, I was missing the people.  I miss having a huge group of friends who know me super well and seeing them every day and getting hugs all the time (I’m a huggy person but I’m too shy to ask for them here and the only hugs I’ve gotten out here are from drunk people, go figure.)

However, a few weeks back, some people on the fourth floor of my building decided to create a knitting club, and being a knitter myself, I decided to join with a friend from my floor.  I went, and had the most fun I think I’ve had since I got here.  These people are hilarious!  I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.  These people actually pay attention to me and I like being around them. Every Monday I look forward to knitting club and the way it uplifts me.

So I suppose that what I’m trying to say by this is that, it’s true, you will find a niche where you fit in. Even if you’re shy.  Even if you’re lonely. It may not happen right away.  But you do have to look for it; sitting in your room with the door closed won’t get you there.  Join a group you’re genuinely interested in, not something you think you should be interested in.  Try it out, and if you don’t like the way it feels, you don’t have to stay.  And when you do find your place, well then, you’re set. :)


Edit: (Sept. 2012) there is now an official AMS Knitting and Sewing Club. Visit the website at http://knittingsewingatubc.blogspot.ca.


-XO Samantha


Filed under Campus Life, Residence