TELE Design

Jonassen’s (2000) comments on learning with technologies were a great reminder of how to use technology in the classroom and reconfirming, for myself, many of the topics raised so far in the course. As educators, effective student learning should always be the primary goal we are trying to accomplish. As Jonassen discusses, this is accomplished by “thinking in meaningful ways.”   As a result, engaging students with activities and meaningful lessons, which may or may not involve technology, should accomplish that primary goal of thinking and learning in the classroom. In terms of design, educators need to utilize and implement technology to enhance or support their lessons. Roblyer (201) discusses these pedagogical goals and how it relates to theories of learning, students abilities, curricula etc. In attempting to develop a technology-enhanced learning experience for my own classes, first and foremost I have to consider what subject or topic is currently being taught. The activities come after and hopefully, an online resource or other equipment are able to support that learning and allow students to produce understanding and meaning for themselves. The activity needs to provide a learning experience that allows students to simultaneously question their current understanding of concepts and develop an appropriate and better understanding of a topic.


One comment

  1. Hi Darren!

    Your approach to developing a technology-enhanced learning experience is very sound as it begins with the goals, what you want the students to accomplish, the topic at hand. And then comes the activities that would help attain the understanding of and thinking towards that topic. It seems that based on activity students would need, technology may or may not come into play. It is the opposite of the dogma that: here is a new tool, use it, doesn’t matter how, we bought it, so use it in your classroom!

    Thanks for sharing,

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