Graphic calculators and quadratic equations

In 1999, I was teaching a Grade 10 math class, only a few years older than the students I was teaching.  A challenge!  Graphic calculators had just been introduced.  To be able to actually SEE where a line crossed the x-axis instantaneously and to be able to understand the significance of that point on the line was an incredible tool in teaching quadratic equations.  I know that I understood it in a way that I hadn’t when I been learning it originally.  The teacher was learning right along with the students!  This was probably my first exposure to the idea that it is Ok for teachers not to have all the answers when it comes to technology.

Image result for first graphing calculator ti83


  1. Hello Laurie,
    Cut to today when its hard to keep up with all the plethora of educational tech that is coming out in a continuous stream. I sometimes feel about new tech the same way you felt about graphing calculators; just try and keep up to the kids. It is amazing to think that we are continuing to improve in such areas (such as desmos).

    Thank you for sharing,

  2. I remember using TI-83’s in math class when I went through high school, programming in the quadratic formula by hand. Nowadays I find even virtual interfaces are becoming obsolete, with calculators performing exponentially more functions (ex. significant figures). It’s amazing to see how far technology has advanced exponentially.


  3. I remember using TI-83’s in math class when I went through high school, programming in the quadratic formula by hand. Nowadays I find even virtual interfaces are becoming obsolete, with calculators performing exponentially more functions (ex. significant figures). It’s amazing to see how far technology has advanced exponentially.


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