Synthesis on the importance of TELE’s

For me this unit was full of new ideas and information and it started with the idea of a TELE – technology enhanced learning environment. Throughout module B I explored a number of theories that surround how we might successfully integrate technology into our Science and Math classrooms.

Please see link below to see a chart comparing similarities and differences of TELE’s examined in Module B.

Post 10 Chart

It has been seven informative and transformative weeks for me. When it comes to the frameworks I feel each may be important at different stages of development and understanding by a student. By my Grade 4 or 5 class I can see the value in using T-GEM as the primary foundational theory in Science. While I have often used the scientific process to have students reflect, and proceed again is an essential skill as identified in the new BC curriculum (2015) “generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving.” Through the use of programs such as the PhET simulator students are able to interact with key concepts and as Khan identifies “[i]n dynamic situations, mental models can be manipulated and transformed on the fly through simulation and provide predictive and explanatory power for making sense of the familiar and the unfamiliar.” (Khan, 2007, p 879)
If I return to my first post in this unit around what technology is and as Muffoletto (1994) states the idea that technologies are a way of acting. I still believe now what I did then that the transformative phase of the SAMR model (2016) is where amazing technology integration happens that supports classrooms that bring authentic and tangible learning experiences for students. As I start to plan for the upcoming year I return to Frederiksen and White’s article and complete my own reflection on the importance of their study and how they note that the “reflective assessment, although helpful to all, was particularly helpful in closing the performance gap between the lower and higher achieving students.” (Frederiksen & White, 2009) While hands on learning has always been a key part of my science classroom as I move into a new year, I want to make reflection both through the process of learning and at the end of a lesson the same value as the concept, not something that is often rushed or forgotten in the time crunch.

All Things SAMR Model by Blanca Lemus. (2016). Retrieved 29 May 2016, from

“Building Student Success – BC’s New Curriculum.” N.p., 2017. Web. 9 July 2017.

Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Muffoletto, R. (1994). Technology and restructuring education: Constructing a context. Educational Technology, 34(2), 24-28.

White, Barbara Y., and John R. Frederiksen. “Inquiry, Modeling, And Metacognition: Making Science Accessible To All Students.” Cognition and Instruction 16.1 (1998): 3-118. Web. 16 July 2017.


  1. Hi Sarah

    I like the fact that you made a table in which you found the similarities and differences between the TELEs.

    I wonder if you could share what you expect from your students when you ask them to “reflective”.

    A good next step might be to add lesson examples to your table.


    1. Thanks for the idea Christopher. At my grade level being reflective is more looking at ways to improve an assignment. What are two things that would make it stronger is a common phrase in my classroom. Also, in the chart as students reflect on predictions, they would be asked to change their prediction and explain why they are making the changes. It is the why that is so powerful as I build reflective thinkers.

  2. Hi Sarah,

    I like that you mentioned the value of reflection as a valuable tool. I was completely unaware of the value of meta-cognition until about two years ago. As a newly minted teacher straight out of a science/math degree, I thought talking about one’s learning was a “cheesy” distraction! Now I find that when the students are given a chance to do so, they often display a level of thoughtfulness and learning that is not evident in their other written or oral work.


    1. Hello Michael,
      I appreciate your honesty, as I am newer to the reflection game than I would like to admit. It’s interesting because I know personally I struggle with self-reflection, so my masters has been great to build empathy for what I am asking my students to do. That being said, I do see the value as I preserve through it and love watching my students get better and better at it as the year progresses. Before any student hands something in I always send them back and say find two ways to make it stronger before you hand it it, it is magic when you hit that point in the year where the odd one arrives to me and says “and here is the two changes I have already made!” Love it. Good luck with your journey. Sarah

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