Bringing It Altogether

Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Theory Examples
Anchored Instruction -Also known as Instructional Design

– includes engaging and problem rich environments that allow learners to understand the how, why and when to use different concepts and strategies (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1992)

-Jasper video series, allows students to see real-world math problems

-Khan Academy, allows students to complete missions which is a tailored math program

SKI / WISE -WISE (Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) and SKI (Scaffolded Knowledge Integration) are just that. Inquiry based research topics where students can search from the many online projects and learn through inquiry. -Similar to Webquests

-Many online inquiry based projects can be found here:

LFU -The LFU model consists of a three-step process which includes: motivation, knowledge construction and knowledge refinement (Edelson, 2001) -My World GIS

-Google Sky

-Motivate: Wonder Wall on an inquiry question the students may have

-Knowledge Construction: Using the available websites mentioned above to gain a deeper understanding

-Refinement: Reflect on what the student has learned

T-GEM -As Khan (2007) states, model-based learning is a theory that allows students to learn from critiquing, building, and changing our way of thinking on how the world works.

-Includes: Generate, Evaluate, Modify

-Similar to LFU model



After reviewing and reflecting throughout module B and the 4 foundational technology-enhanced learning environments; there was a reoccurring theme of constructivism. That is, learners construct knowledge out of their experiences. What each of these 4 learning environments do, is allow the learners to take control of what it is they are learning. Many topics learned in class these days are not applicable or involve real-world examples. These 4 environments can really engage students and promote critical thinking skills which is very much what BC’s new curriculum is heading towards.

I’ve learned that incorporating STEM into a math or science classroom can really have a profound effect on students. Just before the end of the school year, a colleague and myself brought both of our classes together to have a STEM competition. The students were divided into groups where they had to build a catapult that would be assessed on: distance and accuracy. The kids were in love with this project. One thing that I would do differently next time, is to incorporate technology. What would that look like? Perhaps, allowing students to research and review different catapults through videos and simulations? Or recording their design and experiment with video? Producing a DIY video? Either way, I will be using STEM with every class I have from now on.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1992). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology Research and Development40, 65-80.

Edelson, D. C. (2001). Learning‐for‐use: A framework for the design of technology‐supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching38(3), 355-385.

Khan, S. (2007). Model‐based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education91(6), 877-905.


  1. Sean,

    Having your students produce a DIY video is a fantastic idea! I have found (as I’m sure many of you have as well) that a student’s knowledge is really tested when they have to explain themselves to another. Also as students are tasked with creating something that could be published, I found that they take real ownership of the product.

    Was your catapult project at the end of a unit or was it throughout?

    1. Hi Sean,

      Great note about how you incorporated STEM into the catapult lesson. How did the kids do? I did something similar before as well, but for science and socials students, and used videos to enhance my lessons about the catapults before they had their sieges. But the video would be an interesting idea for them to produce. Thanks for the great idea.


    2. The catapult project was at the end of a unit. I would like to have the students one day create a DIY video too.

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